
Weather Forecast: Record broken! Snowfall for the first time in the month of October, mercury dropped in 5 cities, there will be heavy rain

weather forecast

Weather Forecast Alert: The joy of the festive season is fading due to cloudy sky and heavy rain. It seems that the rainy season has arrived again in many parts of the country. It is snowing with heavy rain. Due to which cold has set in even before winter arrives. People have to wear warm clothes. Actually, cold has started in the hilly areas of the country. There is snowfall along with rain in Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.

weather forecast

There was light snowfall in the upper areas of Kashmir today i.e. on Monday and rain in the plains, after which it is believed that winter has arrived before time. Due to snowfall and rain, the temperature has come down and people have started wearing warm clothes.

weather forecast

This change in the weather has been seen since October 14 when it rained intermittently at many places. Snowfall occurred in high altitude areas, while at some places there was strong wind accompanied by thunderstorms.

weather forecast

Once again the weather has deteriorated in the capital Delhi. The rain and snowfall in Himachal, Kashmir and Uttarakhand is affecting Delhi also. It rained heavily in Delhi late Monday night. The temperature has also dropped due to rain.

weather forecast

Due to snowfall in the higher reaches of many areas of Himachal Pradesh and rain in the lower areas, there has been a huge drop in the temperature and there are signs of early onset of winter. According to the Meteorological Department, Chudhar Range in Sirmaur, Rohtang Pass and Jalori Pass in Kullu and Hatu Peak and Chanshal in Shimla received snowfall this morning. Apart from the high altitude areas of Shimla, Sirmaur, Kullu and Mandi, light snow fell in the tribal dominated districts of Lahaul Spiti and Kinnaur.

weather forecast

Snowfall is occurring in four states of the country, while Badra is ready to rain in many states. Light rain occurred at one or two places over Punjab, Bihar, Delhi, Ladakh, Haryana, Rajasthan, Konkan and Goa, Central Maharashtra, Lakshadweep, Coastal Karnataka and South West Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.

weather forecast

According to Skymet Weather, light to moderate rain with isolated heavy falls may occur over Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Lakshadweep and Coastal Karnataka during the next 24 hours. There may be light to moderate rain and snowfall in the Western Himalayas.

weather forecast

There may be scattered hailstorm with light to moderate rain in Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan. There may be moderate rain at one or two places along with light rain in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and North Bihar. Light rain is possible in North Madhya Pradesh, South Konkan and Goa and Rayalaseema.

weather forecast

A cyclonic circulation is forming over the Southeast Arabian Sea, Lakshadweep and adjoining parts of Kerala. Under its influence, a low pressure area is expected to develop by October 17 which may further intensify and move in the west-northwest direction.

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