
Weather Forecast LIVE: The weather will turn again! It will rain in these states today


Chance of light to moderate rain here

According to Skymet Weather, light to moderate rain with one or two heavy spells may occur over Telangana during the next 24 hours. Light to moderate rains are likely over South and Southeast Madhya Pradesh, parts of Chhattisgarh, Vidarbha, Marathwada, Madhya Maharashtra, North Interior Karnataka and parts of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.

Hail expected in some parts

According to Skymet Weather, there is a possibility of light rain in Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, South India Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. There are chances of hailstorm in some parts of Telangana and Maharashtra.

No chance of rain in Lucknow

It will be sunny today in the capital of UP, Lucknow. The temperature can reach up to 34 degree Celsius. In the month of April, it is hot like May-June. The residents of the city can get some relief from the heat. Today the wind will blow all day. Rain is not expected.


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