
Weather Forecast: Chance of rain in Jharkhand, know the weather condition of other states including Delhi-UP

Weather Forecast Today delhi-ncr

cold wave in north india

Cold wave conditions persist in many areas of North India. According to the Indian Meteorological Department, there may be rain in the plains of India between February 10 and February 14. According to the department, an increase in the minimum temperature and maximum temperature may be seen in Delhi during the next five days.

Weather Forecast Today Jharkhand

Chances of rain in Jharkhand

According to the Meteorological Department, there is a possibility of light rain in many areas of Jharkhand on 12 and 13 February. These days the sky may remain partly cloudy. A drop of two to three degrees Celsius may be seen in the minimum temperature in the next two days. After this the temperature may increase by three to four degrees Celsius.

Weather Forecast Today Bihar

Bihar weather

Talking about the weather of Bihar, there are chances of some abatement of the snowy west. In such a situation, the cold may reduce significantly in the evening. The weather is expected to become completely normal from the last day of the week i.e. Saturday. According to IMD, the maximum and minimum temperatures may increase by two to three degrees Celsius from Saturday. There is a forecast of change in the weather once again from 12th February.

Weather Forecast today up

There will be change in the weather of UP

People are likely to get relief from cold in UP this week. The Meteorological Department has expressed the possibility of sunshine till 13th February. After this there will be some change in the weather again and drizzle is forecast.

Weather Forecast Today Odisha

It may rain here

According to the Meteorological Department, there are chances of rain in Arunachal Pradesh, West Bengal, Sikkim on February 9, while Odisha may see light to moderate rain on February 11 and 12. There are chances of rain in Madhya Pradesh, Vidarbha and Chhattisgarh from 10 to 14 February.

Weather Forecast Today Maharashtra

It will rain in Maharashtra

According to the Meteorological Department, it may rain in Central Maharashtra on 10 and 11 February while in Marathwada on 9 to 11 February.

Weather Forecast Today Chhattisgarh

There will be light to moderate rain in some parts of Chhattisgarh

According to Skymet Weather, there is a possibility of light rain in East Assam and Arunachal Pradesh during the next 24 hours. Light to moderate rain may occur in parts of Vidarbha, Marathwada, North Telangana and Chhattisgarh from February 10. The minimum temperature is likely to fall by 2 to 3 degrees in many parts of eastern and central India.

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