
Weather Alert: Fog continues to wreak havoc in Jharkhand, know how the weather will be for the next 3 days

Jharkhand Weather Forecast: The weather patterns have changed in Jharkhand. For the last 3-4 days, there is fog in many districts of the state including the capital Ranchi. People are hiding in their homes due to cold. People are not going out unless there is very important work. School timings have been changed to ensure that children do not catch cold. According to the latest forecast of the Meteorological Department, fog will clear in the capital and surrounding areas from today. Due to this the temperature may fall. However, some fog has been seen in the morning. The sun appears behind the mist as if it is smiling softly. By noon the sun’s rays will shine completely and the weather will clear.

  • The minimum temperature in the capital may remain below nine degrees Celsius for one or two days.

  • Moderate to dense fog expected at many places in the state on January 22 and 23

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