
Wear Rudraksh in Sawan for increase in status and wealth, marriage yoga will be formed and conflict between husband and wife will go away.

Rudraksh: According to Sanatan Dharma, Lord Shiva is Adidev, Param is Brahman. Shiva is Swayambhu. Means self-generated. Every aspiration of man is fulfilled by worshiping Shiva. The most auspicious time to worship Lord Shiva is the month of Sawan. Rudraksh is the ultimate indicator of Shiv Bhakti. Rudraksha is considered to be the replica of Lord Shiva. In the Shrimad Bhagwat Devi Purana, Lord Shiva tells his son Kartikeya about the origin of Rudraksh that in ancient times I did penance for a thousand years to free the deities from the Asura named Tripura. Tears came out of my eyes and fell on the ground. Wherever my teardrops fell, Rudraksh was born there. In Shiv Puran, Lord Shiva tells Mother Parvati about the glory of Rudraksh and its origin that after doing severe penance for a thousand years, one day her mind got disturbed. At that time, I opened both my eyes out of necessity, as soon as the eyes opened, some drops of water fell on the earth. From which Rudraksh originated.

Rudraksh Dharan: Description of the glory of Lord Shiva Rudraksha

Describing the glory of Rudraksh, Lord Shiva tells Parvati that wherever Rudraksh is worshipped. Lakshmi ji never goes far from there. All the wishes of the person who wears Rudraksh are fulfilled. According to Shivpuran, all ashrams, all varnas, women should always wear Rudraksha as per the order of Lord Shiva. In Shivpuran, Lord Shiva has described 14 types of Rudraksh, their differences and auspicious rituals. According to astrology, wearing Rudraksha on auspicious Nakshatra, Tithi, Vaar gives immense benefits. By wearing Rudraksha in the month of Sawan, especially on Monday or Shivratri, all the wishes of a person are fulfilled and troubles are removed. This year 2 Shivratri will be celebrated due to excess month in the month of Sawan. The first Shivratri will be celebrated on 15th July and the second Shivratri on 14th August. Wearing Rudraksha on the Shivaratri of Sawan or on Mondays of Sawan removes all the troubles of a person and achieves desired success.

Rudraksh Dharan: When and who should wear Rudraksh

01- One faced Rudraksha

If there is a desire to achieve success in the political or administrative field, then the person should wear one faced Rudraksha. Ekmukhi Rudraksha is actually the form of Lord Shiva. For prestige in political or administrative position, it is very important to have Sun God in the birth chart. Sun is the symbol of royalty, glory, throne. By wearing Ekmukhi Rudraksha, Sun God gets strength, due to which there is an unexpected increase in position, prestige and honor. If the person is in government service, or has a desire to get state or power in the political field, then the person should wear Ekmukhi Rudraksha with proper rules and regulations.

It should be worn with the chanting of Om Hree Namah.

02- Two Faced Rudraksha

Dwimukhi Rudraksha has been called Devdeveshwar in Shivpuran. If there is lack of happiness in the married life of the native or if the native is suffering from insomnia, mental stress, depression, mind is not engaged in any work, then wearing two faced Rudraksha will be very beneficial. According to Shivpuran, it should be worn with the chanting of Om Namah.

03- Trimukhi Rudraksha

Trimukhi Rudraksha has been said to be the one who gives the fruit of the means. According to Shivpuran, due to its effect, all the educations are established. This is the deity of Goddess Saraswati. If the person is participating in competitive examination or wants to increase the intellectual capacity of his children, then wearing it is very beneficial. It is very auspicious to wear in the month of Sawan with the chanting of Om Clean Namah.

04- Chaturmukhi Rudraksha

According to Shivpuran, Chaturmukhi Rudraksha is the form of Sakshat Brahma. According to astrology, if the person is in the field of writing, poetry, literature where imagination is needed. If you want to earn name then this Rudraksha is very beneficial. If the native works as a commission agent or is in a business where eloquence is needed, then it should be worn on a Monday in the month of Sawan or during Sawan Shivratri with the chanting of Om Hree Namah.

05- Panchmukhi Rudraksha

Regarding Panchmukhi Rudraksh, in Shivpuran, Lord Shiva explains its glory to Parvati ji and says that Rudraksh with Panchmukhi is Kalagnirur form. It is capable of doing everything. According to astrology, Devguru Jupiter is pleased by wearing this. If the person has a desire for wealth, glory, children, spiritual progress, then it is definitely beneficial to wear it. It is also beneficial if the person is suffering from liver problems or obesity. It should be worn with the chanting of Om Hree Namah.

06- Six faced Rudraksha

Six faced Rudraksh is considered to be the form of Kartikeya. According to astrology, Venus is pleased by wearing it. For special planning, special work or increase in material comforts, or Jatak is not getting married, or Jatak trades in perfumes, flowers, beauty ornaments or if Jatak is interested in singing, music, playing, dancing, then it should be called Sawan. It is very auspicious to wear it in the month. According to Shivpuran, the person who wears it becomes free from all sins. It should be worn with the chanting of Om Hree Hum Namah.

07- Seven faced Rudraksh

Seven Mukhi Rudraksha has been described as the form of wealth in Shivpuran. According to astrology, it is the provider of Lakshmi, wealth and prosperity. It can be worshiped and kept in the treasury as well, with this the blessings of Lakshmi ji will remain forever. If the native is in a business where he has to work with his employees in a cordial environment, then it is very beneficial. It is very auspicious to wear it in the month of Sawan with the chanting of Om Hum Namah.

08- Ashtamukhi Rudraksha

Ashtamukhi Rudraksha has been called Bhairav ​​Swaroop in Shivpuran. According to Shivpuran, the person who wears it attains full age. If there are a lot of obstacles in the life of the person, failure is involved in whatever work is done, then the person should wear Ashtmukhi Rudraksha. If the person does business related to share market, or is interested in getting technical education, then also it is very auspicious. Wearing it in the month of Sawan with the chanting of Om Hum Namah gives full results.

09- Navamukhi Rudraksha

Navamukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Goddess Durga in person according to Shivpuran. Worshiping it during the days of Navratri removes all the sufferings of man. If the person feels weakness within himself or is thinking of doing some specific work but is unable to muster the courage, then the person should wear Navmukhi Rudraksha. If the person wants to get some secret knowledge then also it is auspicious. Wearing it in the month of Sawan with the chanting of Om Hari Hum Namah is very beneficial.

10- Ten faced Rudraksh

In Shivpuran, Ten Mukhi Rudraksha has been called the form of Lord Vishnu. Lord Shiva says in Shivpuran- O Goddess, by wearing this all the wishes of a man are fulfilled. According to astrology, Devguru Jupiter is pleased by wearing this. If luck is not supporting you, there is a health problem, or the relationship with your elder brother is not good, or there is difficulty in getting education or there is an obstacle in getting a child, then wearing a ten faced Rudraksha on any Monday of the month of Sawan with rituals Needed. It is very auspicious to wear it with the chanting of Om Hree Namah.

11- Eleven faced Rudraksha

In Shivpuran, eleven faced Rudraksh has been said to be the form of Rudra, by wearing it man becomes victorious everywhere. To increase luck and respect, it should be worn with Om Hree Hum Namah.

12- Twelve faced Rudraksha

According to Shivpuran, by wearing twelve faced Rudraksh, twelve Adityas become seated on the head. If the native is in government service and the employee subordinate to the native is not in control of the native, or the native feels lack of energy within himself, or the native has any heart-related problem, or the native does not have a good relationship with his father. So wearing this Rudraksha in the month of Sawan is very beneficial. It can be worn with the chanting of Om Namah.

13- Thirteen faced Rudraksha

According to Shivpuran, Thirteen Mukhi Rudraksha is the form of world gods. By wearing this man gets good fortune and auspiciousness. This is very beneficial for maintaining the blessings of Mahalakshmi ji. It is extremely auspicious to wear it with the chanting of Om Hree Namah.

14- Fourteen Mukhi Rudraksha

Fourteen Mukhi Rudraksha is the supreme form of Shiva. According to Shivpuran, the man who wears it on his head with devotion, all his sins are destroyed. If the person is suffering from the planet Saturn, is in dire straits, or has to go to the hospital again and again, if there is a problem in the birth chart of the person, then fourteen faced Rudraksha should be worn in the month of Sawan. It should be worn with Om Namah.

Rules for wearing Rudraksha according to zodiac sign or ascendant

Describing the glory of Rudraksh in Shivpuran, Lord Shiva says that Shiva, Lord Vishnu, Goddess Durga, Ganesha, Surya and other deities also become happy seeing Rudraksh Maladhari man. Wearing Rudraksha according to zodiac sign or lagna also gives auspicious effects. According to Rashi or Ascendant, the person should wear the following Rudraksha…

wear rudraksh according to zodiac sign

01- Auspicious planets for the native of Aries/Lagna are Mars, Guru. Such people can wear Trimukhi and Panchmukhi Rudraksha.

02 – The auspicious planets for the native of Taurus zodiac / Lagna are Mercury, Saturn. They should wear Chaturmukhi, Saptamukhi Rudraksha.

03 – Mercury, Venus are auspicious planets for the native of Gemini zodiac sign. Such people can wear Chaturmukhi, Shashtmukhi Rudraksha.

04 – The auspicious planets for the native of Cancer zodiac / Lagna are Moon and Mars. Such people can wear Trimukhi, Dwimukhi Rudraksha for progress.

05 – Sun, Mars are auspicious planets for the native of Leo zodiac sign. They should wear Trimukhi and Dwadashmukhi Rudraksha.

06-Mercury is an auspicious planet for the native of Virgo/Lagna. Such people can wear Chaturmukhi, Shashtmukhi Rudraksha for fulfillment of their wishes.

07 – Venus, Saturn are auspicious planets for the native of Libra zodiac sign. Such people can wear Shatmukhi, Saptamukhi, Ekadashmukhi, or Chaturdashmukhi Rudraksha to fulfill their wishes.

08- The auspicious planets for the native of Scorpio zodiac / Lagna are Guru, Moon. Such people should wear two faced Rudraksh.

09 – The auspicious planets for the people of Sagittarius / Lagna are Guru and Ravi. He should wear Panchmukhi, Dwadashmukhi Rudraksha.

10- Saturn, Venus are auspicious planets for the native of Capricorn/Lagna. Such people can wear Shashtmukhi, Saptamukhi, Ekadashmukhi and Chaturdashmukhi Rudraksha.

11- Saturn, Venus are auspicious planets for Aquarius / Ascendant. That’s why such people can wear Shashtmukhi, Saptamukhi Rudraksha.

12- Guru, Mars are auspicious planets for the native of Pisces/Lagna. Such people can wear Trimukhi and Panchmukhi Rudraksha.

Rudraksha is the symbol of Lord Shiva

Rudraksha is the symbol of Lord Shiva. Its result is always positive, so Rudraksh can be worn according to the zodiac sign. But it is mandatory for the person who wears Rudraksha to follow Satvik rules. The use of vindictive things is prohibited to the person wearing Rudraksha. Rudraksh period should not be used during Sutak-Patak period, otherwise the full result of Rudraksh is not obtained.

Rajiv ‘Acharya’

astrologer architect

(Author- Astrologer and Vastu Shastri with a senior officer in the Government of Uttar Pradesh)

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