
WB: North Bengal Petrol Dealers Association calls for pump strike in all districts of North Bengal on 15 February

Happened a few months ago in West Bengal Panchayat elections (Panchayat Elections, Various petrol pumps were used to fill fuel in the vehicles of the Central Security Forces. It is reportedly alleged that the petrol pumps have not yet received the outstanding amount. North Bengal Petrol Dealers Association has called for a pump strike in North Bengal on 15 February in protest. All petrol pumps in eight districts will remain closed from 6 am on that day to 6 am the next day.

It is alleged that the pump owners have not yet received the outstanding oil money.

Actually, the central force fills oil in the vehicle from the petrol pump. In return a memo is given. The pump owners get the money by submitting that memo to the concerned government office. But more than six months have passed since the Panchayat elections. It is alleged that the pump owners have not yet received the outstanding oil money. In protest against this, the pump owners’ organization has called for keeping the pumps closed for 24 hours on 15 February.

Government will have to pay Rs 19 crore

The organization claims that the fuel provided by various pumps for the movement of central forces in the last Panchayat elections has not been paid yet. Overall the government will have to pay Rs 19 crore for this. President of the organization, Shyamal Pal Chaudhary said that the outstanding amount in eight districts of North Bengal is Rs 19 crore. It is alleged that the dues have not been received yet. The state government has said that this amount has not been received from the Center yet, the payment will be made when the Center gives the money.

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