
WB News: Security of Assembly will become more strict, many big changes will also happen: CP

Kolkata, Vikas Kumar Gupta: After the breach in the security of the new Parliament House, the security arrangements of the State Assembly have been made more strict than before. Kolkata Police Effective steps are being taken towards this. Apart from the Speaker of the Assembly, the police is also talking to the concerned Assembly officials regarding this matter. Kolkata Police Commissioner Vineet Goyal gave this information. CP gave this information on the occasion of launching the jersey and website of Kolkata Police Safe Drive, Save Life Half Marathon to be organized by Kolkata Police on January 21, 2024 in Lalbazar.

He said that after the Delhi incident, after talking to the officials of the Assembly, appropriate steps will be taken to identify the shortcomings in the security there and remove them. All the agencies related to this are being contacted by Kolkata Police in this regard. Shri Goyal said that by organizing Safe Drive, Save Life Half Marathon on behalf of Kolkata Police, people will be made aware about safety while walking on the road.

After the start of the half marathon, the number of deaths in road accidents in the metropolis has decreased by about 60 percent. He told that in the year 2016, more than 400 people died in road accidents in the metropolis. With the passage of time, this number decreased to around 145 in December 2023. CP said that every year people living in and around the city participate enthusiastically in this half marathon. On this occasion, he welcomed international athlete Colleen Ray Jackson.

During the program, athlete Colleen Jackson said that she is very happy to be in this city called City of Joy. People will benefit a lot by organizing such programs. Common people should participate enthusiastically in this. On this occasion, State Transport Secretary Dr. Soumitra Mohan, Additional CP 2 Subhankar Sinha Sarkar, Joint CP Headquarters Santosh Pandey, Joint CP Traffic Rupesh Kumar and other officers were present.

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