
WB News: Poor water and roads in Birbhum became a big deal for Trinamool candidate Shatabdi Rai.

Birbhum, Mukesh Tiwari: Star candidate of Trinamool, who has scored a hat-trick from Birbhum Lok Sabha seat of West Bengal for the fourth time shatabdi rai (Satabdi Roy) is busy campaigning vigorously. Meanwhile, seeing Shatabdi Rai, the villagers are also getting angry in the election campaign environment. Villagers are mainly demanding water and roads. However, for the last few days, Shatabdi has been busy listening to the complaints and demands of the residents of the area where she is visiting. For example, while going for campaigning, Shatabdi got stuck for some time in Saithia area of ​​Birbhum.

Villagers got angry after seeing Shatabdi in front of them

Seeing Shatabdi in front, the villagers started complaining. Some people complained about corruption in the housing project and also demanded drinking water problem and good roads since Shatabdi. Villagers have complained to Shatabdi that the problem of drinking water has been reported for a long time but the administration has not solved the problem. Even many roads in the village have not been repaired. However, Shatabdi heard such complaints from local residents. Meanwhile, he also had to bear the anger of the villagers. Despite the strong sunlight and heat, the candidate is campaigning day and night. But Shatabdi also has to face anger over the problems of the basic people.

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Election video of Trinamool Congress candidate Shatabdi Rai contesting from Birbhum seat is making waves

Trinamool’s star candidate Shatabdi Rai has made a theme video for campaigning in picnic mood. The lyrics of the song are, ‘Jeetab Aami Jeetbo Amara’ song is being used as the weapon of the century in the election campaign. He along with the staff has shot the video with songs written by himself, sung by himself and composed by Piyush. Three-time MP Shatabdi Rai said, now the country is moving forward. 25 years of film career experience. Now people have left bullock carts and started flying by aeroplane, with mobile phones in their hands. So I have made a video of 2 minutes and 35 seconds on the election campaign theme. Which is completely new. However, BJP could not digest this new technique of his campaign. Saffron camp candidate Debashish Dhar raised the question, “Sometimes I have to go among the people by showing Khatian and sometimes by making videos of my songs. Work is the only thing that matters, for people if actual work was done in the field then all this drama would not have to be shown. Nor was there any need for this promotion.

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