
WB News: Now antibiotics will not be sold without doctor’s prescription, state health department becomes strict

in west bengal Antibiotic medicines (Antibiotic medicines, Excessive use is becoming a serious problem. People are using it indiscriminately without any special need and without medical advice. In such a situation, the state government has banned the sale of antibiotics without doctor’s prescription. The government has taken this step considering that misuse and excessive consumption of antibiotics is reducing or eliminating the effect of the medicine on patients. Excessive use of antibiotics can cause the problem of multi-drug resistant bacteria (antibiotic resistance) in the body.

Ban on use of antibiotics without medical advice

This not only increases the cost of treatment but also puts the patient’s life at risk. In such a situation, a high-level meeting of the state health department was held to ban the use of antibiotics without medical advice. In the meeting, the State Health Department has decided to ban the sale of antibiotics without prescription in drug shops and increase surveillance to stop the use of such medicines. The Health Department held a meeting with the Animal Resources Development Department, Fisheries Department, Antibiotic Resistance Committee.

A look at the decisions taken in the meeting

1. Vigilance will be increased in drug shops to stop the sale of antibiotics without doctor’s advice.

2. Stopping indiscriminate use of antibiotics in agriculture, fisheries and poultry farms

3. Special monitoring will be maintained in these cases, surveillance will also be increased in rural areas.

4. A review meeting will be held every month, where reports will be presented by the Health Department, Animal Resource Development Department and Fisheries Department.

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