
WB News: Galsi Block-2 Sanko Gram Panchayat freed from the control of opposition

Panagarh, Mukesh Tiwari: happening this year Lok Sabha Elections (Lok Sabha Elections, Even before this, Sanko Gram Panchayat of Galsi-2 Block of East Burdwan had slipped from the hands of the opposition. The Panchayat was dissolved after a Congress member switched sides and joined Trinamool. Now Trinamool Congress has laid claim on the said Panchayat. Former Trinamool Burdwan District President Rabindranath Chatterjee welcomed the Congress panchayat member into Trinamool by handing him the party flag. In such a situation, the Panchayat formed by the alliance of the winning Panchayat members of the opposition parties was dissolved. The Congress chief and a Congress member defected to Trinamool. Rabindranath Chatterjee said, “The head of Sanko Gram Panchayat and its Panchayat member had expressed their desire to join Trinamool in view of the development work of Mamata Banerjee, which has been approved by the top leadership of the party. After this, both the members have been included in Trinamool.

By joining Trinamool, Sanko Panchayat went out of the hands of the opposition.

In fact, by joining Trinamool, Sanko Panchayat went out of the hands of the opposition. Keep in mind that in the last Panchayat elections, the opposition alliance had captured Sanko Panchayat of Galsi Block-2. There are total 13 seats in this Gram Panchayat. In the last Panchayat elections, Trinamool had won six seats and BJP had won four seats. Congress, Forward Bloc and CPI(M) had won one seat each. The opposition united and formed a Panchayat Board to keep the ruling party under pressure. Forward Bloc member Shikha Santra was given the post of head. Last Monday, Shikha Santra and Congress member Mohammad Shahidullah had expressed their desire to join the ruling party from the Trinamool leadership of Galsi Block-2.

Pressure on both Congress and Forward Bloc members to join the ruling party

However, the opposition alleges that both the members of Congress and Forward Bloc were pressurized to join the ruling party. On this Rabindranath Chatterjee said, if both the leaders had been threatened, they would have informed the police. These allegations are baseless. After winning the election a person fights for the people. But because he could not work, he came with us. On this development, Sunil Mandi, who was the vice-president of BJP of Sanko Gram Panchayat, said that this issue will be discussed with the party and other members. Then the next step will be decided.

One member each from Congress and Forward Bloc switched sides and joined Trinamool.

On the other hand, former Burdwan District Committee member of Forward Bloc, Madhavi Das said, Sanko was the head of Gram Panchayat and the Panchayat member of our party has left the party on her own will. Didn’t discuss with us before this. CPI(M)’s former Burdwan District Committee Secretary Syed Hussain said he was not aware of the matter. Apart from this, those who have changed the party are not part of our party. But before the imminent general elections, this is a big blow for BJP, Congress and Forward Bloc.

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