
WB News: Another youth lost his life under mysterious circumstances in Kolkata, the youth found bleeding near the school died in the hospital.

Local people told the police that after seeing the dead body of the youth lying on the roadside in the morning, the information was given to the police of Shyampukur police station. Police have recovered the body and sent it for post-mortem. Initially the police speculated that his face had been crushed with some heavy object like a stone or brick. Traces of blood have been found at the scene. Here, the local people are scared of the incident. Investigators found out that the man was a cook by profession. He probably worked as a cook in a hotel in the area. Cooking utensils were also found lying near his dead body. In such a situation, the police is trying to know the identity of that person. Efforts are being made to find out how he got injured with the help of pictures captured in the CCTV cameras installed in the area.

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