
WB: BJP Deputy Chief accused of theft of ration rice, police seized rice

Birbhum, Mukesh Tiwari: of Karidhya Gram Panchayat of Siuri in Birbhum district of West Bengal. BJP leader (BJP leader, And the local Trinamool-supported villagers created a ruckus against the Deputy Pradhan, accusing him of stealing ration rice. After receiving information about the incident, Siuri police station reached the spot and seized 15 sacks of rice and brought it to the police station. Regarding the incident, local Trinamool Congress leaders and workers allege that cutting rice is sold by the drivers from the Food Corporation of India (FCI) warehouse behind the grocery shop of BJP Deputy Chief Sanjeev Bagdi. On Friday, the Deputy Pradhan was loading the said rice in a motor van and taking it somewhere else. Then those people caught him red-handed and informed the police.

Trinamool accuses BJP vice president of stealing rice from FCI

Trinamool has accused BJP’s vice president of theft of rice from FCI. However, the said allegation has been completely denied by BJP’s Deputy President Sanjeev Bagdi. Sanjeev told the media that he does not do any such work. Some people of Trinamool are trying to forcibly trap him. Sanjeev told that 15 sacks of rice have been seized by the police. Local villagers have sold this ration rice in exchange for goods at his shop. When there is no cash, the local villagers bring this rice from their homes and sell it at their grocery shop. This is not any FCI rice. All the allegations made by Trinamool are baseless. However, Sanjeev Bagdi was missing from the spot after the incident. Police is searching for Sanjeev.

Political stir started in the area after the incident

After the incident, political turmoil has started in the area. In the last Panchayat elections, Karidhya Gram Panchayat had come under the control of BJP. On Friday morning, villagers saw Deputy Chief Sanjeev Bagdi carrying rice in a motor van. After this, local Trinamool supported villagers stopped the motor van loaded with rice. Residents complain that Sanjeev has been stealing rice from the FCI warehouse and selling it illegally for a long time. Ever since BJP came to power in this Panchayat, Sanjeev has been doing this openly. Siuri Trinamool MLA Vikas Rai Chaudhary said that the workers have seized the van loaded with rice. He informed the police and the police seized all the bags of rice from the spot. Told them everything. The case is being investigated. BJP District Vice President Deepak Das said that Sanjeev has a grocery business. That’s why he was carrying rice. It has been given an inappropriate political colour.

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