
Warning of action against 9 YouTube channels spreading false propaganda about the government and its schemes

Govt alert YouTube about 9 channels spreading misinformation: The Fact Check Unit of the Press Information Bureau fact-checked several videos of nine YouTube channels that spread misinformation about central government schemes, the Prime Minister, the Chief Justice of India and the state of public order in the country. These nine channels, which include Bajran Education, Daily Study, BJ News and Government Scheme Official, have more than 83 lakh subscribers. The videos that were fact-checked contained, among other things, false claims that the central government had banned EVMs and would reduce the price of petrol and LPG cylinders. In some videos it was also claimed that President’s rule has been imposed in the entire country and internet services have been closed. Other videos falsely claimed that the Chief Justice of India had initiated legal proceedings against the Prime Minister. According to the report of the English newspaper ‘Hindustan Times’, on Friday the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting sent an email to YouTube, alerting the platform about these channels. It is understood that YouTube has not yet sent any response.

This is not the first time that the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting MIB has warned YouTube about misinformation related to the central government on its platform. When such alerts are sent, YouTube conducts its own due diligence to determine the seriousness of the content. Based on this, it can take a variety of actions against the channel, ranging from its usual 3-strike policy to account termination in case of severe abuse.

According to reports, YouTube ultimately shut down at least three accounts after receiving such alerts in the past. All content identified as misinformation may or may not violate our content policies. If you want to upload a video that no human has ever taken to the Moon before, we think that’s probably a video that should be allowed.

Timothy Katz, director and global head of YouTube, said in Google’s Delhi office on Thursday – Stay on YouTube, because there is no risk of serious harm to the real world based on it. This does not mean that we want to recommend that content. But there can be misinformation about when and how to vote, which can have serious consequences, Katz explained. This would be something that we would like to remove from the platform. I think it depends on the nature of the type of content.

Alert is not ordered

These alerts are not removal orders which the MIB issues under Rule 16 of the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules 2021. Such blocking orders can be issued only for six reasons – in the interest of sovereignty and integrity of India, defense of India, security of the State, friendly relations with foreign states or public order or incitement to commit any cognizable offense related to the above. to stop. Misinformation or fake news are not recognized causes.

A senior government official said such alerts are to help platforms do their due diligence. He said- We are not asking them to remove the content. This is their call to do based on the seriousness of the content. Some types of misleading or deceptive content that pose a serious risk of serious harm are not allowed on YouTube. This includes some types of misinformation that can cause real-world harm. Certain types of technically manipulated content, or content that interferes with democratic processes, are covered under YouTube’s policy on misinformation.

Who determines what is considered a serious risk? Another senior government official said that their policy has a very high tolerance limit and by the time the magnitude of the loss is assessed, it is too late. Another issue with such channels is that they make money by spreading misinformation through YouTube advertisements. The second official said- The misinformation industry has grown rapidly and monetization acts as an incentive for them. Such channels should at least be closed.

Under the law and as per the 2015 Supreme Court’s Shreya Singhal judgment, social media platforms cannot act as arbiters of speech and are bound to take action only when they have actual knowledge, i.e. an authorized government agency. Either there is a court order or there is a court order. Information regarding fact checking by PIB is not sufficient as actual knowledge. PIB FCU was announced by PIB in a tweet on 29 November 2019. There is no legal support for its existence.

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