
Viral Video: What would you have done if you were a boy? The girl gave a unique answer, the video is going viral

A video is going viral these days on social media platform X. In the video, some people ask a girl, what would you have done if you were a boy? Would your life have been better if you had been a boy? People are liking the way the girl has answered this question. So let us know what answer the girl gave to those people on this question due to which this video went viral. This video has been posted by a user named Sahil Khanna on the x platform. On which this caption has been given ‘Sister is absolutely right. Boys have to struggle a lot in life.

Responsibilities to be a boy

On hearing the question the girl said that she is happy being a girl. I don’t want to be a boy. When the boy was further asked whether boys are so bad, he said that no, boys are not bad, but being a boy is a matter of responsibilities. The girl further said that the life of boys is very difficult, they have to struggle a lot in their life. If I had this much responsibility, I don’t know how I would have been able to fulfill it. Boys have the responsibility to prove themselves at every turn in their lives. They have to face a lot at every stage. Boys have to fulfill many responsibilities simultaneously and they cannot leave anything out of them.

There is pressure not to show sadness

The girl replied innocently and said that boys face huge difficulties which they have to face. The saddest thing is that no matter how sad the boys are, the worst thing about them is that they cannot even cry. The biggest problem with boys is that they cannot show their sorrow to people. There is no responsibility on the girl to do anything. There is no problem even if we do not earn, but boys do not have this option. Boys have to go out and earn whether they want to or not.

There is a compulsion to go and earn.

The girl further said that there is no problem whether girls do something or not. Girls can do or not do something if they want. No one forces them to do this. But boys have to earn at any cost. Whether they want it or not, they have to go away from home. Finally the girl said that I am very happy that I am not a boy.

Users are making such comments

Users are giving their feedback on this video. Where one user wrote ‘At least she understands the position of men and boys’ otherwise there are some drama queens and feminists who want equal stature as men but when they are offered a difficult job or position for the first time I step back. Whereas another user has written ‘Poor Boys’.

Report: Neha Singh

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