
Viral Video: Little girl got so addicted to mobile, started using it even in sleep

Viral Video: The invention of the mobile phone was an achievement in the field of technology that changed the entire world. Today, there will be very few people who do not have a mobile phone. It is used by people of all ages whether children, young, or old. In the last few years, we have seen a significant increase in the use of mobile phones. Because of this, people have become addicted to mobile phones, especially children. Nowadays we see children playing less outside and spending more time on their mobiles.

A similar scene can be seen in a video trending on Twitter, in which we see a girl using the phone in her sleep. This little girl has become so addicted to the phone that she is using it and scrolling while sleeping. This shows how much time children spend on phones these days. Spending so much time on mobile can have a deep impact on children. Due to this, children may face problems like eye problems, difficulty in sleeping, anxiety, depression, autism etc. This also affects his studies a lot because he is not able to concentrate well. Many small children may have difficulty speaking due to this reason, and in the future it can also cause problems like hypertension.

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