
Viral Video: After Bihar, beggar found begging through UPI in Assam

QR codes are now being used mostly in online/UPI payments and other places. But there has been a lot of stir on social media regarding a recent incident. Actually, a beggar in Guwahati has used this technique in begging. Many reactions are coming after her picture went viral. Let us remind you that a similar experiment was done by a beggar from Bihar, which became the center of discussion on social media.

Beggar seen hanging QR code around his neck

A few days ago, a beggar was seen hanging a QR code around his neck at a railway crossing in Guwahati, the capital of Assam. He was asking people to scan the PhonePe QR Code while begging. Netizens are thrilled with this digital shift. This video has been shared on X. The user has written – I am surprised to see this scene in Guwahati. How a beggar is promoting digital transactions. This shows how technology is making our lives easier.

Hi-tech beggars found in Mumbai, Bihar

This is not the first incident when beggars have adopted the method of begging through UPI payment. Earlier such incidents were seen in Mumbai, Bihar and other metro cities. In 2022, a beggar from Bettiah railway station in Bihar became the center of discussion in the entire country. His name is Raju Patel. His picture was released by ANI, in which he is asking people to give money by scanning QR Code. He was also using the QR code of PhonePe. When this post appeared on X, it went viral as soon as it appeared.

what netizens say

After Raju’s picture went viral, netizens were giving different opinions. One said that digitalization is increasing rapidly. This is both good and bad. Well because it is reaching a large section of the population. Bad because the government is not doing anything for the beggars. There is no job arrangement for them. A netizen said that when I went to India, I was very happy to see the spread of UPI. I’d appreciate it.

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