
Viral Fever: Be careful during the viral fever season, keep these things in mind


Viral Fever: After the untimely rains, increased heat and changing weather, children are most at risk of infection. Actually, the immunity of children is weaker than that of adults. Because of this, they easily fall prey to diseases. At the same time, these days cases of triple attack of virus i.e. Influenza-H3N2, Corona virus and Adenovirus infection are being seen across the country. Of these, adenovirus rapidly engulfs children. Children suffering from this virus show symptoms like high fever, sore throat, cold etc. Learn how you can protect your child and yourself by being careful.

A large number of people are reaching the hospital with simple flu-like symptoms. Our expert believes that most people’s fever is getting cured in five to six days, but many people’s fever is not taking its name even after a week. Actually, the major reason for the rapid spread of the virus is the change in the weather. Especially due to weak immunity, children are increasingly becoming victims of viral infections. Due to viral infection, children may show symptoms like lethargy, loss of appetite, increased body temperature, cold, cough and chills. Most of the viral fever can be cured with due time and some supportive treatment, such as wiping the body with lukewarm water and medicines. However, if the child’s body temperature is more than 102 degrees Fahrenheit or if the child is crying a lot or seems very lethargic, a pediatrician should be consulted immediately.

Children must get flu vaccine

The flu vaccine protects children from infection with the influenza virus. Due to this, the immunity of the body develops even before the virus attacks the body and the chances of infection are reduced by 60 to 70 percent. According to the Indian Academy of Paediatrics, all children between the ages of six months and five years must get the flu vaccine once a year. Actually, influenza viruses mutate continuously and every year their new strain comes to the fore. In such a situation, every year a new vaccine for flu also comes. By applying this, both viral and seasonal infections can be avoided. Apart from children, the elderly, people with weak immunity or people suffering from any serious illness must also take the flu vaccine.

what to do if baby has fever

There is not much difference between fever of children and fever of adults. Yes, the immunity of children is not as developed as that of adults, so they are more prone to infections and the fever is also more severe. Generally, when small children have fever, their hands and feet remain cold, but the forehead and stomach remain warm. Since children are not able to tell their problems properly, the role of parents becomes important when there is fever. Parents should take special care of some things when there is fever.

keep these things in mind

Do pay attention to these questions and symptoms. If the child sees any of these problems, then contact the doctor and tell them about it. Paracetamol syrup can be given during initial fever in children with doctor’s advice. Also, dress the child in light clothes, extra clothes prevent body heat. In case of fever, make the child consume liquids like lukewarm water, juice, khichdi. If you want to bathe, then bathe the child with lukewarm water.

don’t panic if you have a fever

Do not panic if the child has fever, but if the child’s body temperature is more than 102 degrees Fahrenheit or the child seems very lethargic, consult a pediatrician immediately.

Take a bath with lukewarm water during fever

During fever, it is very important to have the right amount of water ie hydration in the child’s body. In such a situation, in case of fever, make the child consume liquids like lukewarm water, juice, khichdi.

Keep these things in mind for protection

keep baby hydrated

The summer season has started. In such a situation, make your child drink as much water as possible. By drinking water, the body temperature remains correct and the risk of infection is reduced. If you want, you can make the water lukewarm.

keep children away from infected

If someone in your house has cough or fever etc., then keep your child away from such a person, because viral infection can also reach other people by coughing and sneezing by the patient. Since the immunity of children is weak anyway, the chances of getting an infection increase. Get your hands sanitized upon coming in contact.

provide nutritious food

Take full care of the food and drink of the children. Give them nutritious food. Feed such food, which boosts immunity. Keep children energetic through green vegetables, milk, fruit juices. Limit the intake of junk food and snacks like soda, chips, chocolates, cookies. Increase the amount of porridge and coarse grains in the diet of children. This will give them strength.

Cleanliness is most important

Take full care of cleanliness to keep children away from any kind of infection. Prevent mosquitoes from breeding in the house. Let your children go out of the house less in the morning and evening. Ask the child to wash hands before eating. Children are more prone to infection by eating food with dirty hands.

Avoid going in crowded

Parents should avoid going to overcrowded places with their child. Children above two years of age who are capable of wearing masks, wear masks while taking them out. If the child has any symptoms of viral infection, do not send him to school. Due to this it will not spread to other children.


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