
Violence erupts in Papua New Guinea after salary dispute, emergency declared after 16 deaths

Papua New Guinea Emergency has been declared. Prime Minister James Marape made this announcement after violent demonstrations took place in many places in the country, in which 16 people died. The government has also suspended government employees and police officers. Prime Minister James Marape on Thursday declared a two-week state of emergency in the capital Port Moresby.

Why did violence erupt in Papua New Guinea?

In fact, unrest began in Papua New Guinea on Wednesday, when police, defense officers and other public servants walked off their jobs in protest against unexpected salary cuts. The government blamed the error on a computer glitch. Also promised to fix the problem soon. But the workers did not listen to the government and the situation in Port Moresby deteriorated rapidly. More than a dozen shops were set on fire in the protests and there were reports of large-scale looting.

Huge problem of unemployment and livelihood in Papua New Guinea, a country of 10 million.

10 million people Papua New Guinea At present people are going through the problems of unemployment and livelihood. When their salary cuts were announced, discontentment erupted among the employees and people took to the streets in violence.

1000 special security forces deployed to stop violence

The government of Papua New Guinea has deployed about 1000 special security forces to stop the violence. According to the New York Times, in addition to Police Commissioner David Manning, Marape also suspended the heads of the government’s finance, treasury and personnel management departments. The US Embassy in Port Moresby said in a statement on Thursday that police and defense forces had returned to duty. However, it is being said that tension is still prevalent.

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