
Vigilance raid after CBI on PCMM office of North Eastern Railway, stir due to scanning of documents of Corona period

Gorakhpur News: The case of corruption is deepening in the Material Management Department of Gorakhpur, the headquarters of North Eastern Railway. A few days ago, the Chief Material Manager of North Eastern Railway was caught red-handed with a bribe of Rs 3 lakh. After CBI, now the team of Executive Director of Railway Board Business has also reached Gorakhpur to scrutinize the files of Principal Chief Material Manager (PCMM) of Railways and the purchase and sale of goods of Store Depot.

Stir among officers and employees

The team of the Executive Director of Railway Board Vigilance reached Gorakhpur on Monday afternoon and kept investigating the files till late evening. Hearing the arrival of the Vigilance team, there was panic among the concerned officers and employees. During this time the Vigilance team investigated the files of the department. Also examined the documents of Sukti Associate Form. During this time, the team also collected information about the supplies made at the time of Corona infection.

Questioning the proprietor and employees of Gnome Associate Firm

According to the information, the Vigilance team has also interrogated the proprietor and employees of Sukti Associate firm. The team has taken possession of some important files. The investigation by the Vigilance team is still going on. However, the Railway Administration is not officially confirming this action of the Vigilance Team. But, the investigation by the vigilance team has left the railway officials stunned.

Vigilance team engaged in exposing corruption

The team of Executive Director of Railway Board Vigilance had reached Gorakhpur on Sunday itself. According to experts, a team of three members has reached Gorakhpur. Two officers including the director reached Gorakhpur on Monday. The team has just arrived in Gorakhpur. The team is busy exposing the corruption that has been going on for years in the Material Management Department. The ongoing investigation by CBI and Vigilance is revealing that the roots of corruption in Railways are very deep.

The team had also reached Gorakhpur on March 23.

The Vigilance team had also reached Gorakhpur on March 23 on the complaint of irregularities in purchase and sale of goods and local purchases, giving benefit to a particular agency, manipulation in the names of railway vehicles and equipment. The allegation was that during the Covid period, a company was given special benefit in the supply of medicines in the case of local purchase in the hospital of North Eastern Railway. A big crane of the Railways was declared useless and a private crane was employed for the work.

The team took possession of important files and took them with them.

After this, Vigilance officials investigated the entire matter and took possession of some important files. After this, Deputy Chief Material Manager Ritu Raj was transferred to another zone of the Railways. Just five months later, in the framework of corruption in material management, CBI had caught PCMM red-handed taking bribe from his residence in Gorakhpur.

CBI team also in Gorakhpur

The important thing is that not only the vigilance team but also the CBI team is present in Gorakhpur. On September 13, the CBI team had caught KC Joshi red handed while taking bribe from bungalow number 23 located in Kauwa Bagh, Gorakhpur. CBI had taken action on the complaint of Prabhav Tripathi, director of Sukti Associate firm. CBI had sent KC Joshi to jail after taking him on remand for three days. Currently Joshi is in jail.

Accused of demanding bribe of seven lakh rupees

Pramukh Tripathi, proprietor of Sukti Associate firm, alleges that the head of Chief Material Management of North Eastern Railway is demanding a bribe of Rs 7 lakh from him. If the amount is not paid, they have threatened to cancel the registration of their farm on GeM portal. He had told CBI that his firm had received a tender for the supply of three trucks for the store depot located in Gorakhpur. He has been threatened to cancel the tender along with the registration if he does not pay a bribe of Rs 7 lakh.

Report – Kumar Pradeep, Gorakhpur

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