
VIDEO: Why are gifts given on Christmas, know the unique traditions related to this festival

With the arrival of December, the joy of Christmas spreads everywhere. Preparations for Christmas festival have started everywhere. Different types of decoration items are being sold in the market. Despite Christmas being a major Christian festival, it is celebrated with great pomp by every religion throughout the country. On this day, people gather with their family and loved ones, meet their relatives and give gifts to each other and wish them Merry Christmas. On this day people also give gifts to their family members and relatives. Today we will know when and where the celebration of Christmas started. It is celebrated in different ways in different places. Before Christmas, people of the Christian community go to church to sing carols and pray. During these days, the birth story of Jesus Christ is also shown in the church. Their birth story is shown through tableaus. On the night of 24-25 December, prayers are offered and religious songs are sung. After this, on 25th December, the Christmas tree is decorated and kept in the church and happiness is celebrated by distributing chocolates, cakes and sweets among the people. The word Christmas originates from Christ Mars. For the first time it was celebrated during the Roman rule. It was celebrated for the first time in 366. Only a few years later, Pope Juliel officially announced to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ on 25 December.

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