
Video: Take these resolutions to stay fit, you will remain healthy throughout the year

It is important for our health to be with us in fighting every obstacle in life. Let us know what our resolutions should be so that our health remains with us always. If immunity remains strong, we can fight every disease. Sunrise is in front of our eyes. For this we have to increase our will power a little, so that we wake up before the sun rises. This is very important for our health. We often skip workouts, we should make them regular. Do just a little. But do workout. Also include yoga practice in your daily routine. Even if we are not able to do workout and yoga every day, we must take out time for it at least three days a week. The resolution to always take lunch and breakfast on time is also special. We have to give up the habit of not eating food on time. Not eating food on time can make the body weak. It is also important to keep the body fit. Our weight should also be according to our height. Neither less, nor more. A perfect body is a blessing that always remains with us. Take a resolution to make your body slim and fit in the next 6 months.

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