
VIDEO: Grand gathering in Ranchi for Sarna Code, Salkhan Murmu demands tribal nation, its form will be like this

Tribal people from India and abroad are gathering in Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand, for the Sarna Dharma Code. Former MP Salkhan Murmu has talked about the gathering of lakhs of people from the tribal community at the historic Morhabadi Maidan on November 8. Addressing journalists on Tuesday (November 7), tribal Sengel campaign chief Salkhan Murmu said that tribals should also have their own separate nation. Its focal point will be Jharkhand. However, he added that I am not demanding a separate country, but we want a separate nation for the nature worshiping tribals. He said that if we do not get the Sarna Dharma Code, the existence of the tribals will be in danger. To know what else Salkhan Murmu said, watch this video.

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