
VIDEO: Brothers and sisters took a dip in Yamuna to avoid premature death in Mathura.

Yam Dwitiya Snan 2023: Bhaiya-Dooj, which is called the festival of brother-sister love, is being celebrated with great enthusiasm all over the world. In Mathura, the festival of Bhai Dooj is celebrated according to a different belief. On this day, a special bath is organized on the banks of Yamuna in Mathura, which is called Yam-Dwitiya Snan. By participating together in this special bath, brothers and sisters wish to attain salvation. The belief of this bath is that when Sun’s son Yamraj came here to meet his sister Yamuna, Yamun ji honored him and both of them took bath at this resting place. Pleased with this, Yamraj asked his sister to ask for a boon, then Yamuna ji asked for a boon that the brothers and sisters who will bathe in my water at this ghat on this day, all their sins will be washed away and they will attain salvation. This is the only temple of Yamraj in the whole world which is situated at this resting place and after bathing, all the brothers and sisters atone for their sins by worshiping Yamraj in this temple. This is the reason why lakhs of brothers and sisters from India and abroad come here to take bath on this day with the desire of attaining salvation. And by taking bath together, brothers get freedom from Yama’s trap i.e. hell.

Bhaiya Dooj, which is called the festival of love between brother and sister, is being celebrated with great enthusiasm all over the world. In Mathura, the festival of Bhai Dooj is celebrated according to a different belief. On this day, a special bath is organized on the banks of Yamuna in Mathura, which is called Yam-Dwitiya Snan. By participating together in this special bath, brothers and sisters wish to attain salvation. The belief of this bath is that when Surya’s son Yamraj came here to meet his sister Yamuna, Yamuna ji honored him very much and both of them took bath at this resting place. Pleased with this, Yamraj asked his sister to ask for a boon, then Yamuna ji asked for a boon that the brothers and sisters who will bathe in my water at this ghat on this day, all their sins will be washed away and they will attain salvation. This is the only temple of Yamraj in the whole world which is situated at this resting place and after bathing, all the brothers and sisters atone for their sins by worshiping Yamraj in this temple. This is the reason why lakhs of brothers and sisters from India and abroad come here to take bath on this day with the desire of attaining salvation. And by taking bath together, brothers get freedom from Yama’s trap i.e. hell.

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