
Video: A rare bird with owl-like shape, soft hair and thorny feathers found in Siwan

A week ago, when four babies of a rare bird were found in Viswar village of Siwan district, a crowd of hundreds of people gathered to see them. The birds found are white in color and have soft hair. Although their wings are thorny. The elders of the village also say that they had never seen this in their time. Due to which this bird has become a subject of curiosity. Manan Singh of the village, who takes care of these birds, has been engaged in providing them food and water for a week. But he says that I don’t know whether these birds are drinking water or not but they have not eaten even a single grain of food yet. Information was given to the Forest Department regarding these birds but even after 5 days no information was received. While talking on the phone, he talked about bringing these birds to Darauli, due to which the villagers are angry.

Forest Department DFO Pankaj Kumar said that it appears to be a species of owl. It is still a juvenile due to which it is not clear which bird it is. The team that reached the rescue said that at the moment it looks like a Garuda bird. After investigation it will become clear which bird it is.

However, when the rescue team started taking him away, the villagers said that his mother comes at night. It is the mother who brings food to these birds. If the rescue team goes away with these birds, their mother will search for her children. When the villagers protested against this, the rescue team has not brought these birds with them at present. DFO said that at present the team is busy investigating whether there are more birds of this species in the area. This can be detected only with the help of these small birds.

At present the Forest Department has appealed that these birds should be kept away from the public. If birds are disturbed by people, legal action will be taken. After completion of the investigation, these birds will be released in the nearest zoo or forest.

Arvind Kumar Singh’s report from Siwan

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