
Vegetables started going away from the kitchen, green coriander in Bareilly is more expensive than tomato, know why the price increased

Bareilly : The prices of vegetables are not coming down. It has started going away from the common man’s kitchen. Green coriander has become costlier than tomato in Bareilly. Green coriander is being sold at Rs.150 per kg in Bareilly, while the price of tomatoes has been reduced to Rs.130 per kg. The government is also worried about the rising prices of tomatoes. Due to which efforts have been started to bring down the prices of tomatoes. But, the prices of other vegetables have started increasing.

Cabbage in Bareilly Delapir Mandi Rs 70, green chili Rs 80 to 90 kg, okra Rs 35 to 50 kg, ridge gourd Rs 40 to 50 kg, colocasia Rs 35 to 40 kg, jackfruit Rs 25, Ganga fruit Rs 18, new potato Rs 20, And capsicum is being sold up to Rs.28 per kg. However, the main reason for the increase in the prices of vegetables is the matter of rain and non-availability of meat. A large number of people consume meat. But, due to monsoon, meat shops are closed. That’s why even meat lovers have shifted to vegetables.

market committee will sell cheap tomatoes

Along with Bareilly, there has been an outcry over the price rise of tomatoes across the country. But, from 7 am to 2 pm on Friday, tomatoes will be sold at the price of Rs 75 per kg by setting up a camp at the gate of the Bareilly Agricultural Production Market Committee. A notice has been pasted at the gate informing about getting tomatoes at a cheap price. The market committee had sold tomatoes at a cheap price in the past as well. Chairman of Bareilly Delapir Mandi Committee, Shuja Urrahman told that camps will be organized in the Mandi Committee at cheap prices and will be sold on Friday. Any customer can come and buy.

Pulses and fruits became expensive

The common man is troubled by the inflation. After green vegetables, the prices of pulses have also started going out of control. The wholesale price of tur dal, which was sold at Rs 80 to Rs 100 per kg in Bareilly market, has gone up to Rs 145 to Rs 150 per kg. It ranges from 165 to 175 rupees per kg in retail. Along with this, gram is sold for 70 to 80 rupees per kg. Now it is being sold for 100 to 110 rupees per kg.

Red chillies have reached Rs 280 to Rs 350 per kg. Apart from this, the price of pulses like moong, urad, masoor etc. has also increased. The price of cumin has come up to Rs 700 per kg, which is beyond the reach of the common man. In the same month of Sawan, the people of Hindu society keep fast. Due to which the demand for fruits has increased. Due to monsoon in Bareilly, the prices of all fruits including apple, banana, mango have increased.

Report- Muhammad Sajid Bareilly

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