
Vatican City: Not a single child has been born in this country in 95 years

Vatican City: Vatican City is currently the smallest country in the world, but so many powerful people live there that their ideas are followed all over the world. Let us tell you that all the great religious leaders of Roman Catholic religion live in this city, but there is such a strange thing about this city that any person will be surprised to know. In fact, not a single child has been born in this city in the last 95 years. Actually this country was formed in 1929 and since then till now not a single child has been born here.

Vatican City: Not a single hospital exists in this country

There has not been a single hospital in Vatican City for the last 95 years. There is no official information about this but according to reports it is said that such a decision has been taken due to the small area of ​​this country. The situation there is such that if a person has even the smallest illness, he has to go to the clinics of Rome for his treatment, so it is possible to say that this is one of the main reasons why till date not a single child has been born here. It happened because there are no such facilities there.

Vatican City: There is strict prohibition for normal delivery

There is a law in Vatican City that if a woman is pregnant then she cannot give birth to her child in this country even through normal means. There is a provision that whenever the time of delivery of a pregnant woman comes, she has to go out of this country until she has given birth to her child. This rule has to be followed very strictly and this is one of the main reasons why not a single child has been born in this city in the last 95 years.

Vatican City: There are some unique legal provisions in this country

There is a legal provision in Vatican City that no person can ever get permanent citizenship there. People get temporary citizenship only for the period for which they live there. This is also a reason why no one is born there so that in future no one can claim permanent citizenship there.

Vatican City: This country has a population of only 800 900 people

According to information, Vatican City has a total population of barely 800 to 900 people, most of whom are high priests of Roman Catholic Christianity. However, despite having such a small population, the crime rate in this country is quite high. According to reports, many incidents like theft, pickpocketing etc are often committed by the tourists going there. Due to religious beliefs, many tourists keep visiting this city every year.

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: Vatican City: Not a single child has been born in Pope Francis’ city for 95 years, know the reason for this

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