
Varanasi: Fire broke out in a saree factory due to short circuit, the fire brigade brought it under control after a lot of effort.


Varanasi : A fire broke out in a saree factory late on Monday night due to short circuit in Dashashwamedh police station area of ​​Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh. The fire took a formidable form in no time. The flames started coming out of the room. Seeing the fire and smoke, the residents of the locality raised an alarm and informed the fire brigade along with the police. The fire brigade team that reached in a hurry had to face a lot of difficulty in reaching the spot. But the fire was brought under control after two hours.

The artisan had left only one bulb burnt in the factory

In fact, a saree factory runs in the house of Mohammad Aslam, a resident of Tadtalla Madanpura in Dashashwamedh police station area. In which artisans do the work of coloring and finishing by bringing Banarasi sarees. These sarees are prepared and sent to the shops. The artisans were busy on Monday also and the work continued till about nine o’clock. The artisans went home after dyeing and cleaning the sarees and had left a bulb burning in the room. Shortly after this, smoke started rising from the room and flames also started rising. The fire also engulfed other parts of the house.

After getting the information, several vehicles of Dashashwamedh police, fire brigade reached the spot and the exercise to extinguish the fire started. After two hours of effort, the fire was completely controlled by 12 o’clock in the night. After getting the information about the fire, ACP Dashashwamedh, Police Station President Dashashwamedh and all the in-charges of the nearby outposts also reached the spot. Sarees worth lakhs of rupees were burnt to ashes in the fire.

had a hard time putting out the fire

The vehicle of the fire brigade, which reached on the information of the fire, had to face a lot of difficulty in extinguishing the fire at the spot. The fire brigade vehicle could not reach the house burning due to fire, after that the firemen went inside with pipes from there and started extinguishing the fire. Teams from two sides took charge of the fire, then an attempt was made to extinguish the fire from the roof of the neighboring house. During the fire, an atmosphere of panic was seen in the entire locality.


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