
Uttarkashi rescue operation in the last stage, 6-8 meters of drilling left in the tunnel.

Uttarkashi Rescue Operation

Uttarakhand The rescue operation is in the final stages to rescue 41 workers trapped in the under-construction Silkyara Tunnel in Uttarkashi district. 6-8 meters of drilling is still left in the tunnel. However, during this time there was some fault in the drilling machine, which has been rectified.

Uttarkashi Rescue Operation

Ambulance ready outside the tunnel

After the workers come out, about 30 ambulances have been kept ready outside the tunnel and a team of doctors has been deployed to immediately take them to the hospital. On Wednesday, drilling of steel pipes through the debris was hampered when some iron rods came in the way of the auger machine.

Uttarkashi Rescue Operation

Drilling is being done with American auger machine

American auger machine has been employed for drilling the tunnel. The machine had to drill through 57 meters of debris to reach the workers, who were trapped when a part of the tunnel under construction collapsed 12 days ago. Now only 6-7 meters of debris remains to be dug.

Uttarkashi Rescue Operation

Workers will come out by crawling in the pipe

By drilling with auger machine, four six meter long 900 mm diameter pipes are being inserted inside the tunnel. After the pipe is laid, the workers will crawl through it and come out of the tunnel.

41 bed hospital ready for laborers

Helicopter ready outside the tunnel for airlift

A helicopter has also been kept ready to airlift the workers out of the tunnel. After the workers trapped in the tunnel came out, a 41-bed hospital was prepared at the Community Health Center in Chinyalisaur for their care. Officials said that along with all the hospitals in the district, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Rishikesh is also on alert.

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