
Uttarakhand tunnel accident: Good news came, workers trapped in the tunnel will come out safely by 5 pm

UttarakhandTunnel: Complete arrangements have been made to safely evacuate 41 laborers trapped in the Silkyara tunnel in Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand on 17th i.e. 28th November. On the afternoon of 28 November, the rescue team reached the workers trapped in the tunnel and the work of laying pipes in the tunnel was completed. Ambulances have been called outside the tunnel and some oxygen cylinders have been sent into the tunnel. It is expected that the workers will be taken out by 5 pm today. According to the information, he will be sent directly to the hospital. An ambulance is being taken inside the tunnel. According to the latest update, 55.3 meters of pipe has been laid.

Reached them only by digging by hand

All 41 laborers were trapped there due to tunnel collapse on 12th November, the day of Diwali. Rescue operations were going on since the 12th to rescue them. An attempt was made to take them out by drilling using an auger machine, but this work also got hampered and ultimately they were reached only by digging by hand.

Rescue team reached the workers trapped in the tunnel

On the afternoon of 28 November, the rescue team reached the workers trapped in the tunnel and the work of laying pipes in the tunnel was completed. Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami reached the tunnel this morning and after taking stock of the rescue work, informed the Prime Minister. Microtunnel expert Chris Cooper has said that the workers can be taken out of the tunnel by 5 pm today.

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