
Use of LPG in CNG car will cause the car to explode! Mileage will decrease and engine may seize.

Use of LPG in CNG Car: Due to rising prices of petrol and diesel in the country, people are buying more CNG (compressed natural gas) cars. Some such automatic hybrid cars are also coming in the market, which run on petrol-diesel or electric battery along with CNG. But, some people also use LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) in CNG car to reduce the expense. Is it right to do so? Will mileage increase by using LPG in CNG car? What effect will this have on the engine? Is there any danger in running a CNG car from LPG? Come, let us know everything about it in detail.

What is the difference between CNG and LPG?

Before knowing about the use of LPG in a CNG running car, it would be better for you to understand the difference between these two gases. When you understand the difference between these two, then you will also know whether LPG can be used in a CNG car or not?

LPG : Its full name or full form is Liquid Petroleum Gas. It is obtained from natural gases as well as during petroleum production. It contains a mixture of propane and butane, which takes liquid form due to pressure. LPG is used as cooking fuel in homes.

CNG: Its full name or full form is Compressed Natural Gas. It mainly contains methane gas, which remains in the form of gas even under high pressure. This gas is mainly used as fuel in vehicles. It is much cheaper, cleaner and less polluting than petrol and diesel.

Can LPG be used in a CNG car?

Using LPG in a CNG car cannot be a right step at all. The reason for this is that the chemical mixture of CNG and LPG is different. There is no similarity between these two. The usage of these two is also different. LPG is used in cooking. At the same time, CNG is used to run the car. The pressure, temperature, proportional temperature of burning and energy properties of these two gases are different. The engines, fuel tanks, hoses and nozzles of CNG cars are made to run on compressed natural gas only. There can be many types of disadvantages due to the use of LPG.

Using LPG in a CNG car can cause fire.

Using LPG in a CNG engine car will reduce the mileage and performance of your car. The reason for this is that the calorific value of LPG is much lower than that of CNG. Apart from this, your car’s engine may seize. The reason for this is that LPG contains high amount of sulfur, which damages the engine parts and reduces the life of the engine. The biggest thing is that the use of LPG in a CNG car poses a higher risk of fire. LPG leaks quickly and catches fire easily. Moreover, the warranty of the car may get void as the companies do not approve the cars with CNG engines for LPG. If you do this, you will not get any kind of service or repair facility.

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