
US man spends ₹1.35 crore for painful surgery to grow 5 inches taller


To boost his dating life, a Minnesota man spent nearly $1,70,000 (Rs 1.35 crore) on both leg lengthening surgeries to increase his height by five inches. 41-year-old Moses Gibson was struggling till date because of his height of 5 feet 5 inches. He tried various things including medicine and spiritual healers to increase his height.

unhappy about his height

Gibson told that I was not feeling good about myself. He further shared. He told that I was unhappy about my short stature most of the time thinking about it, it was my confidence in general and with women. It affected my dating life. I used to put things in my shoes to gain a little height, but it didn’t last very long.

Expensive medicines also did not have any effect

To this end he took pills that promised to make him taller and spoke to a doctor who told him that he could increase his height if he put his mind to it, but when both failed, he took an expensive And decided to undergo surgery to lengthen the painful legs. He managed to save $75,000 for the surgery over the course of three years by working as a software engineer and an Uber driver.

Surgery done in 2016

He got this procedure done in 2016. Due to which his height increased by 3 inches. After the first procedure, I was somewhat happy with it, but it was always on my mind that I wanted to have another surgery to get it done. He told that I want to achieve it completely. Man in Mard spent $98,000 for a second surgery to add 2 inches to his height. The media outlet said he now uses a height-enhancing device three times a day to pull the fractured bone apart about a millimeter.

now he has a girlfriend

The man said I would be happy at 5-foot-10, but if my body and everything else allows me to go 3 inches to get to 5-foot-11, so much the better. He said that now he does not hesitate to talk to girls, he talks to girls with full confidence. Expressing his happiness, he said that now he has a girlfriend.


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