
Up Weather: Wheat crop benefited from unseasonal rains, mustard, potato, gram, pea suffered loss, farmers should take these measures…

Lucknow/Aligarh: Due to rain, the temperature has dropped and some crops are also in danger. If the temperature drops continuously and it rains continuously, it will prove harmful for the crops of mustard, potato, gram and pea. However, the Agriculture Department has alerted the farmers to protect their crops from damage and has suggested measures to save the crops. This year the area under mustard crop in Aligarh is more than 90 thousand hectares. At the same time, the fall in temperature after sowing of this winter crop proves fatal for it. This may be affected by rain in the last two days. If the drizzle continues, the mustard will be affected by insects etc. Due to which the crop will be damaged. In mustard crop, Chempa Kit, Tula Sita disease, Blight disease etc. occur, however, District Agriculture Officer Amit Jaiswal said that Chempa Kit has the most impact on mustard cultivation. Chempa is an insect that sucks the juice of crops. This insect is very small.

Diseases increase in leaves and twigs

The same Tulasita disease is a fungal disease. In the initial stage, it appears as a muddy powder on the leaves and twigs of plants. Later it spreads throughout the plant. Due to this the leaves turn yellow and start falling. In blight disease, brown raised spots appear on mustard leaves. Their edges are yellow. Its spots merge together and become larger. Due to which the leaves turn yellow and start falling. According to the District Agriculture Officer, if we keep spraying pesticides on time, the crop can be protected from diseases and pests.

Potato blight occurs

The area under potatoes in Aligarh is about 33000 hectares. Rain also affects potato cultivation. District Agriculture Officer Amit Jaiswal said that after rain, humidity increases in the weather, after which there is a possibility of disease. Potato blight causes crop failure. Unseasonal rains affect the crop, although it is a relief for the wheat crop. Rain increases moisture in the atmosphere. Even on Monday, there is fog and mist in the atmosphere. The sky was also cloudy. However, this is fine for wheat because there will be no need for irrigation. The rains at this time are not good for gram, peas and other pulse crops.

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