
UP News: UP ATS arrested two suspects who were spying on the army for ISI, important clues found

Lucknow News: Uttar Pradesh Anti Terrorist Squad (ATS) has arrested two suspects on charges of spying for Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI. Both the suspects were allegedly involved in terrorist funding. According to the information, these people used to send sensitive and restricted information related to the army to ISI by taking money. According to ATS, accused 25-year-old Amrit Gill was brought to Lucknow on transit remand after being arrested recently from Bhatinda, Punjab. At the same time, the accused Riyazuddin, a resident of Bhojpur, Ghaziabad, was called for questioning, against whom he was arrested on Sunday after evidence was found. ATS has been running a campaign to nab ISI agents for a long time. According to senior officers, many important information has been received from these two suspects on the basis of interrogation. Their bank accounts are also being investigated, on the basis of that other suspects will also be arrested.

ATS has been receiving information about terror funding for a long time

According to UP ATS, information was being received for a long time that some people are receiving money from dubious sources, which is being used in terrorist activities and espionage against the country. Along with this, ATS also got the input of spying for the greed of money by coming in contact with Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI and sending out confidential and sensitive information. After this, the team was busy in the investigation, meanwhile during the investigation, ATS registered a case against Riyazuddin, Izharul and an agent of Pakistani intelligence agency in the capital Lucknow.

Secret revealed in investigation of bank accounts

During the investigation, Riyazuddin’s bank accounts were scrutinized. It was revealed that between March 2022 and April 2022, approximately Rs 70 lakh came into his bank account from an unknown source, which was sent to different accounts. In the same series, money was also transferred to auto driver Amrit Gill through the bank. Amrit Gill shared sensitive information about Indian Army’s tanks etc. with Pakistani intelligence agency. According to ATS, Riyazuddin and Izharul met in Rajasthan while doing welding work. Since then, both of them are working for Pakistani intelligence agency ISI while keeping in touch with each other.

Other suspects will also be arrested

According to ATS, evidence has been found of money coming into the bank accounts of both Riazuddin and Izharul and then transferring it. These account holders are being investigated, so that other people associated with Pakistani intelligence agency ISI can be identified and action can be taken against them.

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