
UP News: UP ATS arrested a young man who was spying on the army for ISI

Lucknow: UP ATS arrested Wasiullah, a youth who was spying for Pakistani intelligence agency, from Rajajipuram, Lucknow. Wasiullah was a member of an online cyber crime group. Where these ISI agents came in contact with cyber hackers. To maintain his confidentiality in this illegal work, he also used to deal through crypto currency.

UP ATS officials said that Shailesh Kumar alias Shailendra Singh Chauhan, accused of sharing important information related to the Indian Army to Pakistani intelligence agency ISI through WhatsApp and Facebook, was arrested on September 25. During interrogation of Shailesh, it was revealed that a person named Wasiullah son of Rehmat Ullah Khan, resident of C-2533, Rajajipuram near Meena Bakery, spies on the Indian Army for ISI.

Wasiullah, on the instructions of an agent of Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI, had misused his account and sent money to Shailesh and other agents for their illegal spying work. In this regard, Wasiullah was called to the ATS headquarters in Lucknow and interrogated thoroughly and he accepted the fact.

Caught in the trap of greed for money

Wasiullah told that due to the greed of money, he joined the conspiracy of the ISI agent. On his request, he misused his bank account and sent money to Shailesh and other agents in exchange for spying. Wasiullah was arrested after confirming the allegations. The accused is being taken to court as per rules. Also, Wasiullah will be taken on remand to get information about the spying network of ISI.

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