
UP News: The groom disappeared before the engagement, the girl’s family called it a drama

Agra. The groom disappeared shortly before an engagement ceremony. When the family members came to know, they were shocked. After which the groom’s family informed the bride’s family about the groom’s kidnapping. In such a situation, the bride’s family lost their senses. The bride’s family has accused the groom’s family of a conspiracy to make the groom disappear. The matter is of Agra city. The Panchayat between the two parties went on till late night in the programme. When the matter was not resolved, the bride’s family complained to the police station. The police is trying to reach a compromise between both the parties. People reached Bhogaon of Ekta Chowki area of ​​Tajganj police station on Monday night for the engagement of the daughter of Mainpuri. The family told the police that the relationship was fixed a year ago. The boy is a resident of Ekta Chowki area of ​​Tajganj. He is posted as an accountant in a company. There was talk with the boy’s family about marrying her for Rs 15 lakh. He had given the boy a Bullet bike and Rs 14 lakh before the engagement. There was a Lagun engagement ceremony at a marriage home on Deori Road on Monday night. The girl’s family was waiting for the boy’s family to arrive at the marriage home on Deori Road.

The relationship was fixed a year ago

People reached Bhogaon of Ekta Chowki area of ​​Tajganj police station on Monday night for the engagement of their daughter from Mainpuri. The family told the police that the relationship was fixed a year ago. The boy is a resident of Ekta Chowki area of ​​Tajganj. He is posted as an accountant in a company. There was talk with the boy’s family about marrying her for Rs 15 lakh. He had given the boy a Bullet bike and Rs 14 lakh before the engagement. There was a Lagun engagement ceremony at a marriage home on Deori Road on Monday night. The girl’s family was waiting for the boy’s family to arrive at the marriage home on Deori Road.

Panchayat continued between both the families till 2 o’clock in the night

The boy’s family said that some people had kidnapped their son. The boy’s family kept telling the girl’s side till 12 o’clock in the night that the boy would be coming in some time. After a long time, the boy’s family members said that the boy had been kidnapped by some unknown people from near their house. He had reached the boy’s house. The panchayat between the two families continued till around 2 o’clock in the night. The boy’s family said that their son has been kidnapped by unknown people. At the same time, the girl’s side said that the story of kidnapping was not true. The boy has been sent away by his family members as part of a conspiracy. Tajganj police station in-charge Jasveer Sirohi said that the youth has not been kidnapped. The matter is related to love affair. The young man was having an affair with a girl. He did not want to marry this girl. That’s why he has run away from home. Talks are going on between the two parties for a settlement.

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