
UP News: No need to wait for ultrasound in SN Medical College, eye department got new machines

Agra. Three new machines have been introduced in the eye department located at Sarojini Naidu Medical College, Agra. These machines were inaugurated by Professor Prashant Gupta, Principal of SN Medical College. During this, Professor Snigdha Sen, Head of the Ophthalmology Department was also present. All these three machines are world class. And with the help of these machines, now patients related to eyes will get all the high level facilities. Now patients will not even have to wait for treatment.

World class operating microscope machine

Prof. Snigdha Singh, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology told that three new machines have been introduced in the department. In which operating microscope machine which is of world class. Although the microscope was there before, but this machine will increase the quality and quality of surgery. And will be successful in giving better light to the patient.

Glaucoma test will be easy

He told that the second machine is for automated perimeter glaucoma test. The field of vision of patients related to eye disease gets reduced. In such a situation, they are examined in 5 to 6 months. Because of this machine, now they will not have to refer anywhere else. Because once the vision of such patients is gone, then it is very difficult to get it back.

15 days waiting will end

Prof. Snigdha Sen told that the third machine is of ultrasound which is also known as b-scan. Ultrasound of the eyes will be done with this machine. Because there are many diseases behind the curtain of the eyes, which can be seen only through ultrasound. Till now patients were sent for ultrasound in the radiology department. In such a situation, patients used to get waiting for 10 to 15 days. But now due to the installation of ultrasound machine in the eye department itself, the patients will be able to get the facility of ultrasound immediately.

Subscription to Ophthalmology Monthly Journal available

Pro. Snigdha Singh said that he has now made available the subscription of the world-class American Academy of Ophthalmology Monthly General in the department. It will be extremely beneficial for post graduate students in higher studies and research work.

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