
UP News: In Aligarh, jewelery and cash worth Rs 15 lakh was taken hostage by a retired soldier, they entered the house and carried out the crime.

Aligarh News: Dacoits attacked the house of a retired soldier in Nagla Patwari area of ​​Quarsi police station in Aligarh district of Uttar Pradesh. The miscreants entered the house on Sunday midnight and took away jewelery worth Rs 15 lakh and about Rs 2 lakh in cash. The miscreants also took the retired soldier and his wife hostage and beat them, due to which both of them were injured and admitted to the district hospital. The retired soldier’s brother told on Tuesday that he was sleeping in the house late at night. Unidentified miscreants cut the roof of the house and entered the house down the stairs. As soon as they reached inside, they took his brother, a retired army man, and his sister-in-law at gunpoint and when they protested, they beat them up, due to which both of them suffered serious injuries. The miscreants have created a lot of terror in the house. About 30 tola gold and about two lakh rupees in cash were looted. It is being told that his wife and only a soldier were living in the house. The brother told that the miscreants entered inside by cutting the wall of the terrace behind the house. After this he opened the main gate. Due to which other miscreants also entered the house without any fear. The miscreants took the soldier’s wife at gunpoint. When the retired soldier protested, the miscreants also beat up the soldier and his wife, both the injured have been admitted to Deen Dayal Upadhyay District Hospital.

Jewelery worth Rs 15 lakhs looted

On receiving information about the incident, Quarsi Police of Aligarh reached the spot and inspected the spot. Based on the complaint of the victim, a case has been registered against five unknown dacoits. The police team has started searching for the dacoits. Rashid Ali, brother of a retired soldier, said that the miscreants entered inside by cutting the wall. And they took away jewelery worth Rs 15 lakh and cash worth about Rs 2 lakh at gunpoint. The jewelery is said to belong to the soldier’s daughter.

With the onset of cold weather, miscreants have become more active. The professional manner in which the miscreants carried out the incident clearly shows that a recce of the house has been conducted. The retired soldier has three daughters. Who live outside. Retired soldier and wife live alone at home. Regarding the incident, Area Officer Civil Line Ashok Kumar Singh said that action is being taken by registering a case.

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