
UP News: Girlfriend reached UP from Dubai in search of lover, girl sitting at the door for 4 days, young man absconding after leaving the house

A girlfriend from Dubai reached Basti in search of her lover. The girlfriend’s boyfriend had promised to marry her in Dubai, but one day the boyfriend secretly left his girlfriend and went to his village in India from Dubai. When the girlfriend came to know about this, she called her boyfriend but did not get any response. On this, the girlfriend crossed the seven seas and reached her lover’s house. As soon as the girlfriend reached her boyfriend’s house, his family members locked the house and fled from the spot. After which the 27-year-old girl has been living in the verandah of her lover’s house for the last four days.

Both used to work as cooking in Dubai

Actually, the girl, resident of Jalandhar, Punjab, used to work as a cook in Dubai with Rajkumar, a resident of Ramnagar village of Duboulia police station area of ​​Basti district. Both of them used to live together in Dubai for the last three years. There, love blossomed between the two and then they both started living in a live-in relationship. A month ago, Rajkumar came home and stopped talking to his girlfriend. Very upset by this, the girlfriend came to India from Dubai to get her love back. A week ago, my girlfriend came to Lucknow from Dubai and started staying in a hotel room. Three days ago, the girlfriend reached her boyfriend’s house with her younger sister, where the boyfriend Rajkumar asked his girlfriend to have a court marriage, but before that in the evening Rajkumar and his mother locked the house and ran away from the spot. .

Both lived in live-in relationship in Dubai.

The girlfriend told that both of us lived together in Dubai and Rajkumar had talked about marrying me, but he came to his home a month ago. Didn’t pick up my phone. The girlfriend told that now Rajkumar called and said that I have come to Dubai, you should also come. Let us tell you that when this girl came to her lover’s house with her younger sister on October 26, there was a discussion in the entire area. Last Sunday, the boyfriend and his relatives locked the house and ran away, after which the girlfriend somehow remained hungry and thirsty in the tin shed outside the house, waiting for their arrival.

The girl appealed to the administration for help

The girl said that she will keep waiting for her lover till her death. The girl, suffering from hunger and thirst, has also appealed to the administration for help. She told that last year she had observed the fast of Karva Chauth with her lover, but this year she could not bear the fast of Karva Chauth. She is spending her days on a cot on her lover’s doorstep.

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