
UP News: Earnings decreased due to less sale of liquor in Sawan, Finance Minister said that there is a rise in other departments

UP News: The holy month of Shiva devotion is of 30 days every year, but this time it was of 59 days. Its effect was seen in the Excise Department of UP. Compared to every time, this time the sale of liquor has decreased here in Sawan. Which has directly affected the government treasury.

According to the information received from the Finance Department, this time the revenue received from the Excise Department in August was less than last year. The government has received Rs 18.29 crore less revenue in August 2023 compared to last year. Whereas the revenue from GST, VAT, stamp, transport has increased compared to August last year.

Liquor sales decreased from last year

According to media reports, according to the data received from the department, the state government had set a target of earning revenue of about Rs 4,000 crore from the Excise Department in August 2023. But due to almost two months of Sawan, the state government could collect only 74.5 percent of the target revenue. In August, the Excise Department got a revenue of Rs 2980.47 crore.

Last time revenue of Rs 2998.76 crore was received. In the excise department, the government may not have been able to reach its target, but in other departments the matter is quite fine. In August 2023, compared to 2022, the state government has got more revenue of Rs 1219.38 crore.

Revenue increased in other departments

The state government has got maximum revenue in VAT, GST. Under these two items, the state government got a revenue of Rs 786.68 crore in August. More revenue of Rs 2427.52 crore has been received in Stamps and Registration, which is Rs 364.13 crore more than in August last year. Similarly, more revenue of Rs 57.74 crore has been received in transport. Last year in August, revenue of Rs 659.27 crore was received from the Transport Department, which has increased to Rs 717.01 crore this year. The Geology and Mining Department has received a revenue of Rs 203.96 crore, which is Rs 29.12 crore more than last year.

Suresh Kumar Khanna gave details of revenue

Finance Minister Suresh Kumar Khanna said that in the main non-tax revenue items of the state, a total revenue of Rs 14243.82 crore was received in August of the financial year 2023-24. Whereas, in the month of August of the year 2022-23, revenue of Rs 13024.44 crore was received. Thus, in comparison to August 2022, Rs 1219.38 crore more revenue has been received in the main non-tax revenue items of the state in August 2023.

The Finance Minister said that the state’s main tax revenue items GST and VAT have received Rs 7914.86 crore in August 2023 against the set target of Rs 11683.59 crore. Which is 67.7 percent of the set target.

Thus, Rs 786.68 crore more has been received under GST and VAT in August 2023 compared to August 2022. He told that under GST, a total revenue of 5425.21 crore has been received in the month of August, 2023. Whereas, the receipt in the month of August, 2022 was 4658.09 crores. In VAT, revenue of 2489.65 crores was received in August 2023, while in August 2022 it was 2470.09 crores.

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