
UP News: Burnt body found in wheat field in Ballia, could not be identified, police engaged in investigation.

There was a sensation in the area after a burnt dead body was found in Diyar of Adhisijhua village of Revati police station area of ​​Ballia. The police arrived on the information of the farmers who had gone to work in the fields and took possession of the body and tried to identify it, but after not getting success, sent it for post-mortem. As soon as the news of the incident broke, there was panic. It is not clear whether the bodies are of a man or a woman. The body is almost 90 percent burnt. The forensic investigation team examined the body and the incident site in the post-mortem house and collected evidence. Police station incharge Revati Rohan Rakesh Singh said that almost 90 percent of the bodies were burnt. Those cutting grass in the field came to know that a half-burnt body was lying in a wheat field near the UP-Bihar border. On receiving the information, CO Bairia Usman Ahmed along with the police team reached there and investigated. The villagers are describing the field from where the dead body was recovered as Mathiya’s land, in which wheat has been sown. The border of Chhapra district of Bihar is located at a short distance from where the dead body was found. The case is being investigated. Whatever happens will soon become clear. The body was sent to be kept in the mortuary.

Dead bodies have been found here before too

Let us tell you that Adhisijhua village situated on the border of UP-Bihar is a refuge for the miscreants of both the states. Many dead bodies have been found at this place in the past, most of which were from Bihar. After an unidentified dead body was found completely burnt in a wheat field on Saturday, old memories were refreshed in the minds of people. To identify the dead body, the police is conducting information in the coastal villages of Bihar along with Ballia.

Dead body of youth found in Station Chowk Road

The dead body of a young man was found lying near the police booth on Station Chowk Road in the city on Sunday morning. The police reached the spot after getting information and tried to identify him but could not succeed. The police have sent the body for post-mortem. Okdenganj outpost in-charge Girjesh Singh said that efforts are being made to identify the body. Local people told that the said person was a drug addict, he often roamed in the station premises.

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