
UP News: Boyfriend and girlfriend committed suicide by hanging themselves in the same room in Kushinagar, police engaged in investigation.

In Banwaria village of Tamkuhiraj police station area in Kushinagar, the body of a girl was found hanging from a hook in the same room, while the body of a young man was found lying on the ground. A mark of rope was also found on his neck. There is talk of both of them being boyfriend and girlfriend. The girl has been identified, while the young man has not been identified yet. When the girl’s mother raised an alarm after seeing her daughter’s dead body hanging, people came to know about the incident. Since the latch of the room was locked from inside, the police had to wait for about two hours to enter inside. The forensic team arrived around ten o’clock in the night, broke the door and took out the bodies of both of them. In fact, at the house of Harikishun Chauhan, resident of Banwaria village of Tamkuhiraj police station area, the dead body of his 22-year-old daughter Lavang was found in a room of the house along with a young man at around 8 pm on Monday night. The dead bodies were seen by the girl’s mother Shanti Devi. When the mother looked at the window, she saw that the clove was hanging from a noose. In the same room, a young man was also seen in a suspicious condition on the ground.

The bodies of both were taken out by breaking the door

After this there was shouting in the family. Hearing the noise, the people of the village also reached the spot. On the information of local people, Tamkuhiraj CO Jitendra Singh Kalra and Inspector Atul Srivastava of Tamkuhiraj police station arrived with the police force. When looked through the window, the door latch was locked from inside. A lock was seen hanging on it. The girl’s body was seen hanging near the window, while the young man’s body was lying on the ground. Inspector Atul Singh of Tamkuhiraj police station said that the age of the girl is about 22 years. When the forensic team broke the door, the body was taken out. The girl’s body was found hanging in the house, while the young man’s body was lying on the ground. The forensic team said that a mark of rope was also found on the neck of the young man. The youth has not been identified yet. Both their mobiles were found broken. The incident is being investigated.

Love couple consumed poison in Kaptanganj, girl died

On Monday morning, a loving couple swallowed poisonous substance in a sugarcane field near Pipra Mafi village of Kaptanganj area. The girl died, while the young man was admitted to the district hospital in critical condition. A few days ago both of them had run away from home. The girl’s mother had filed a case of kidnapping. When the marriage could not take place, both of them consumed poison on Monday. Rahul Chauhan, a resident of Pipra Mafi village, admitted in the district hospital, told the police that he was friends with a girl from the non-community of the area. Both families were aware of this. On the night of December 1, both of them left the house. The girl’s mother had filed a case of kidnapping on December 2. On Sunday, the police took the youth’s father to the police station and interrogated him. On Monday, at around 10 am, Rahul called the police on number 112 and informed that he had swallowed a poisonous substance. While searching, the police reached the sugarcane field located some distance away from Pipra Mafi village and found the dead body of the girl lying there. The police sent Rahul, who was lying in a critical condition, to Kaptanganj CHC by ambulance, from where the doctors referred him to the district hospital. ASP Ritesh Singh told that the couple had consumed poisonous substance. The girl has died, the young man is undergoing treatment. The incident is being investigated.

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