
UP News: According to Gorakhpur Police statistics, incidents of murder, rape and molestation have increased this year.

Gorakhpur: On one hand, the police in the district are claiming women’s safety. But on the other hand, the continuous incidents of rape, molestation and domestic violence in the district have raised questions on the plan. The cruelty meted out to teenagers, girls and women in the district in the last 10 months is proof of this. In comparison to last year, incidents of rape, molestation and domestic violence against women have increased this year. Lack of fear of local police and lack of effective action is becoming a major reason for this.

Action taken in incident that happened this year

Murder – 11 Number of murders – 28 Accused – 6 accused absconding.

Molestation – 109 Number of molestation – 193 accused – 53 accused absconding

Rape – 23 Number of rape – 37 Accused – 9 accused absconding

Kidnapping – 80 Number of kidnapping – 112 Accused – 22 accused absconding

Dowry murders – 21 Number of dowry murders – 73 accused – 30 accused absconding.

These major incidents happened in Gorakhpur

first event

In Gorakhpur, at 2:00 am on the night of 2nd August 2023, a girl from Sant Kabir Nagar district boarded the train from Basti and reached Gorakhpur station from where she booked an auto to go to her rented house in Naushad. The auto was going to Nausad from the railway station. Then six youths stopped the auto at Rajghat bridge, kidnapped the girl, took her to Amrutani on the river bank and raped her. The girl, along with her male friend, makes a reel and uploads it on YouTube.

second incident

Vishal Sharma, accused of rape and IT Act case registered in Jhagha police station, was arrested by Chauri Chaura police from Tarkulha turn on Sunday and he was sent to jail from the court. Because in the case of IT Act, the inspector does the investigation. And there is no inspector post in Jhagha police station. Therefore, the inspector posted at Chauri Chaura police station was investigating it. Inspector in-charge Chauri Chaura Chitwan Kumar told that a few days ago, Vishal Sharma raped a woman from a village in Jhagha police station area and made a video and started defaming her by sending it on the mobile phone of the woman’s sister. Based on the woman’s complaint, Jhaga police had registered a case of rape and IT Act.

third incident

Went to the shop located at the main intersection of PPganj police station area of ​​Gorakhpur to buy goods at 8:00 pm on Sunday night. The shopkeeper did real things to the girl. After reaching home, the girl informed her family about this. After that the family members reached the shop and created a ruckus. Police reached the spot on information and are interrogating the shopkeeper. The girl’s family members allege that the 6-year-old girl had gone to the shop to buy goods. The shopkeeper invited the girl inside after giving her biscuits and toffee and started misbehaving. The girl informed her family about this. In this case, PPganj police station in-charge said that the shopkeeper has been taken into custody. He is under interrogation. A case will be registered after receiving the complaint from the girl’s family.

Report: Kumar Pradeep

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