
UP News: 90 private schools in Noida fined Rs 1 lakh each for not returning 15 percent fees to parents


Lucknow. District Magistrate (DM) of Gautam Budh Nagar Manish Kumar Verma has taken strict action against 90 private schools of Noida for not refunding the fees of the students even after the order of the High Court. A fine of Rs one lakh each has been imposed on these private schools for disobeying the order of the court. The Allahabad High Court had given an order to the private schools of Noida. These private schools had to refund 15 percent of the fees charged during the Corona epidemic (Covid period). Parents have to be returned 15 percent of the fees paid in the academic session 2021-22 of the Kovid period. Schools have not followed this order of the High Court. According to the DM’s order, all private schools will have to answer within 10 days for non-compliance of the order.

If 15% amount is not returned in 30 days, then 5 lakhs will have to be given.

In the order of District Magistrate (DM) of Gautam Budh Nagar, Manish Kumar Verma, it has been clearly stated that if the 90 schools which do not return the fees do not comply with the DM’s order within a month, then Rs 5 lakh each will have to be paid. Means private schools will have to pay a fine of one lakh rupees to the government as well as refund 15 percent of the fees to the parents immediately as per the order of the court.

Know what the school management wants

After the action of the District Magistrate (DM) of Gautam Buddha Nagar, there has been a stir among the private school operators. Some school managers have kept their side. He says that Kovid’s Samas Vidyalaya had given up to 30 percent discount to the guardians on many items including tuition fees. Most of the people associated with the school management want that the fee waiver given by them should be linked to the compliance of the order of the High Court.


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