
UP: 2 prisoners were murdered in Sultanpur jail, administration said it was suicide, revealed in judicial investigation

The two prisoners lodged in the district jail of Sultanpur in UP did not commit suicide. This sensational information has come to light in the judicial inquiry report into their deaths. The Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM) of Sultanpur, who conducted the investigation, held the jail staff directly responsible for the incident and said in the report that it was probably a case of “forced hanging”. Manoj Raidas alias Manju (21) and his cousin Vijay Pasi alias Kariya (19), both undertrials in a murder case in Amethi district, were hanged from a tree in the complex on June 21, weeks after being lodged in the jail. were found to have occurred. In this case, jail authorities had initially claimed that both of them, belonging to the Dalit community, committed suicide due to “depression”. But the investigation report has not yet been made public, in which it was found that the deaths occurred under suspicious circumstances. Also, it could not be determined whether the prisoners were actually depressed.

CCTV cameras were faulty

The jail authorities told the investigating officer that the CCTV cameras installed near the suicide site were not working. It was claimed that even the viscera reports of the undertrial prisoners were not made available to the investigating officer. In which officials had said that during the investigation, statements of about 20 witnesses including jail staff, prisoners, family members of the victims and a doctor were recorded. The report also raised questions over the different time of death of the two prisoners and injury marks found on Vijay’s body and the color of his nails turning blue, which points to the possibility of poisoning of the two undertrials. Is.

District Magistrate confirmed receipt of investigation report

Although Sultanpur District Magistrate Krutika Jyotsna has confirmed receiving the investigation report, she refused to make it public. He said that I have received the copy and action will be taken accordingly. Manoj Raidas and Vijay Pasi were arrested in the murder of their 48-year-old neighbor Om Prakash, who was murdered while sleeping outside his house on May 26. Police said that during interrogation, both of them confessed that they had murdered Om Prakash. Because they mistook him for his brother Jitendra, who had beaten them up during a fight a few days ago. The then jail superintendent of Sultanpur, Umesh Singh, who is posted in Varanasi, was contacted and said that after the bodies of the two prisoners were found hanging, he had immediately informed his senior officers, who also visited the spot. He said that the forensic team and dog squad were also called to the spot and nothing unusual was found. He further said that no serious injuries were found on the bodies of the prisoners and it was clear that the deaths were due to hanging. Also, during the investigation by the District Magistrate, everything was found to be normal.

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