
Unique tradition of Chhath Puja: Know how many times Argh is offered to Lord Sun in Gayaji.

Gayaji, the place of salvation of ancestors and the holy city of Lord Vishnu, has been a special center of Sun worship since ancient times, along with Lord Vishnu, Adi Shakti, Lord Shiva. Ant: There are very ancient statues of Lord Surya in the form of Brahma, Vishnu and Lord Shiva at three different places on the western bank of river Salila Falgu. Along with the people living here, they are worshiped by the pilgrims coming from India and abroad in the Pitru Paksha fair to get the desired results.

Surya Shashthi fast has its own special significance in the great festival of faith, Chhath Puja, organized every year in the months of Chait and Kartik. The belief of offering offerings to Lord Surya in three different hours during Chhath Puja is quite mythological. This tradition is still alive with full faith. Local historian Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh Ravi says that the three pilgrimages here have their own importance in enriching the tradition of Sun worship, which is in accordance with the fact mentioned in Aditya Hriday Stotra.

Offerings and worship are done in the Sun Temple.

Suryanarayan provides life to the world in the form of Lord Vishnu in the morning, Brahmaji in the afternoon and Shiva in the form of Maheshwar in the evening. According to Dr. Ravi, there is a tradition of offering prayers and worship in the form of Brahma in the morning in the form of Father Maheshwar Uttarayan Sun Temple. Lord Surya is present in the form of Shiva in the Sun Temple located at Brahmani Ghat. Here there is a mythological and ancient tradition of worshiping and offering prayers to Lord Surya in the afternoon. Here the Sun God is famous in the world by the name of Biranchi Narayan, who is depicted in a monolithic stone block along with his wives Usha and Pratyusha along with sons Shani and Yama. The Twelfth Surya Tirtha and Kaal Bhairav ​​here have their own significance. Dakshinark is the place of Surya Tirtha in front of Suryakund. Here Lord Surya is present in the form of Vishnu. Here there is a tradition of worshiping and offering prayers to Lord Surya in the evening.

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