
Two lakh vehicles increased in one year in Lucknow, petrol and diesel fumes spoiled the air, revealed in IITR report

Lucknow, Due to the continuous increase in the number of vehicles, it is becoming difficult to breathe in Lucknow. Concern has been expressed in the latest report of the Indian Institute of Toxicology Research (IITR). It has been revealed in the report that the number of registered vehicles in the city has increased by about two lakhs in a year. Talking about the total number, this figure has increased from about 26.5 lakh last year to 28 lakh vehicles this year. The number of two-wheelers in this is 20 lakh. According to a scientist associated with research and evaluation, no direct relation can be made between the increase of vehicles or the consumption of petrol with the air quality, however, they are causing pollution. Seen from a very simplistic point of view, the increase in the number of vehicles as well as the increase in the consumption of these oils is bound to have a negative impact on the air quality and environment.

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