
Two blasts shook Iran, 103 people died, hundreds injured

At least 103 people died and 141 others were injured in two blasts in Kerman city of Iran on Wednesday. Iran’s government media gave this information. Media reported that these blasts took place in an event organized on the anniversary of General Qasim Sulemani, who was killed in an American drone attack in 2020. A senior official has termed these blasts as ‘terrorist’ attacks. However, he did not tell who was behind these blasts that took place amid Israel’s military action against Hamas in the Gaza Strip of West Asia. Iran’s state television quoted Babak Yaktaparast, a spokesman for the country’s emergency services, as giving information about the casualties.

The agency said that the blasts took place at an event organized near the tomb of General Qasim Suleimani, the head of the Revolutionary Guards’ elite Quds Force, in Kerman on the fourth anniversary of his assassination. General Sulemani was killed in a drone attack conducted by America in Iraq in 2020. According to ‘IRNA’, Kerman city is 820 kilometers south-east of the capital Tehran. Officials said some people were later injured while fleeing.

Pictures show that the second blast occurred about 15 minutes after the first blast. Terrorists often carry out a second blast a short time later, with the intention of targeting emergency personnel responding to the scene and causing more casualties. People are seen screaming in television pictures. On the other hand, Kerman’s Deputy Governor Rahman Jalali has termed the attack as ‘terrorist’. However, he did not give detailed information about the attack.

Iran has many enemies who could carry out this attack, including exile groups, militant organizations and other countries. Along with Hamas, Iran has also supported the Lebanese Shia militia Hezbollah and Yemen’s Houthi rebels. Soleimani was the strategist of Iran’s regional military activities. He is revered as a national hero among supporters of the Iranian regime. Soleimani also helped the Syrian President in the protests against Syrian President Bashar Assad after the Arab Spring in 2011 and the civil war that has continued since then.

Before the American attack on Iraq in 2003, Soleimani was an unknown person even in his own country. His popularity increased when US officials alleged that he helped terrorists target American soldiers on roadsides. According to American officials, many of his American soldiers were killed and many others were injured in the attacks carried out with the help of Soleimani.

After nearly a decade and a half, Soleimani emerged as Iran’s most well-known commander. Although he ignored calls to enter politics, he was at least equally powerful, if not more so, than the civilian leadership. Ultimately, Soleimani was killed in a drone strike on the instructions of the (US President Donald) Trump administration. The attack was a result of rising tensions after the US unilaterally withdrew from the nuclear deal between world powers and Iran in 2018. After Soleimani was killed, massive processions were taken out. In 2020, there was a stampede at his funeral and at least 56 people were killed and more than 200 were injured.

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