
Try these remedies to deal with cough and cold in summer

Health Tips: Although the problem of cough and cold is common in the cold season, but in the month of April the weather has changed very rapidly. With changes in the environment, the problem of cough and cold has started affecting people even in the summer season. The main reasons for this are believed to be allergy and infection. According to experts, many types of flu are occurring due to the scorching heat. Due to this, most of the people are suffering from sore throat and cold. Although, many effective medicines are available to get rid of these problems, there are many home remedies also available, which can reduce the symptoms of cold and cough. It can also give you relief from this problem. You can get relief from cough and cold through the five home and natural remedies mentioned here.

gargle with salt water

A simple and powerful remedy to cure sore throat and reduce cough and cold is to gargle with salt water. This is quite beneficial. For this, mix about half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and take it in the mouth and gargle with this mixture for 15-30 seconds. This will help in reducing the swelling of the throat and healing the stiffness caused by mucus. Repeat this process several times a day or you can even do it twice a day.

Also Read :Health Tips: Children become more victims of these five infections in summer, parents should be alert.

Honey, basil and long pepper paste

Honey is well known for its medicinal properties, while Tulsi (Holy Basil) and Pippali (Pippali) are used in traditional medicine for their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Make a paste by mixing honey, crushed basil leaves and pippali powder in equal quantities. To get relief from cough and strengthen your immune system, consume one teaspoon of this paste two to three times a day. With this, you can get relief from cough and cold without any medicine sitting at home.

Ginger, Cinnamon and Turmeric Drink

Household spices like ginger, cinnamon and turmeric have anti-inflammatory and immune system strengthening properties. Prepare a soothing drink by boiling ginger pieces in water with a pinch of cinnamon and turmeric. Strain the mixture, add a teaspoon of honey for sweetness, if desired, and drink this warm drink throughout the day to get relief from congestion and cure cough and cold.

chicken soup

Chicken soup is not just a grandmother’s recipe, but chicken soup is also a very effective remedy to cure cough and cold. Its immediate results are also visible. Rich in nutrients and hydration, a bowl of hot chicken soup can prove to be very helpful in curing sore throat and removing the problems of nasal congestion. It can help provide comfort during illness. If you want, you can also use your favorite vegetables in chicken soup for maximum nutrition and taste.

essential oil

Some essential oils like eucalyptus and peppermint have decongestant and antimicrobial properties, which can help reduce cough and cold symptoms. For this, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil in a bowl of hot water and cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam. Alternatively, you can dilute the oil with a carrier oil (like almond oil or castor oil) and massage it onto your chest and neck for relief.

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