
Troubled by the problem of stomach pain, try these easy home remedies


lemonade : Mixing a lemon and a little black salt, make a syrup and drink it to get relief from stomachache.


Celery: Chewing a lot of celery and eating it also gives relief from stomach pain.

Hot Water

Hot Water: Consuming hot water also gives relief in stomach ache, it surrounds it and one feels relaxed due to fear.

Moong Dal and Rice Khichdi

Moong Dal and Rice Khichdi: Avoid heavy food, eat green vegetables and thin bread without ghee and moong dal and rice khichdi is the only light food and it helps in digesting the food quickly.

fecal impaction

Stool Blockage: Sometimes abdominal pain is also due to stool block. Abdominal cramps or abdominal pain are felt due to the stomach not being cleaned properly. Stomach pain goes away when the stomach is clean. Sometimes enema is also given to older people if the stool is not clear.

Coconut water

Coconut water: Apart from lemonade, buttermilk, coconut water, mint tablet, its juice can be consumed anytime.

walk after dinner

Walk after meal: One should definitely walk for a while after meal.

See a doctor if the pain persists

See a doctor if the pain persists: These are some home remedies for stomach ache, but if you always have pain in your stomach, then it is necessary to see a doctor. It may be a symptom of some serious disease.

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