
Traffic Rules: Such behavior on the roads can result in jail.

Traffic Rules Violation: When you drive on the road, traffic rules are violated knowingly or unknowingly. When the driver unknowingly makes a mistake in following the traffic rules, he regrets it and learns a lesson for the future. But, some people deliberately ignore the traffic rules and drive on the road. They show arrogance when interrupted by a traffic policeman. Many unruly people even resort to fighting. The government has devised an excellent way to teach such unruly people a lesson. No matter how much someone violates traffic rules on the roads or intersections, the traffic policemen will not say a word. The secret of such people is revealed by CCTV cameras installed on electric poles at intersections and roadsides. Those who do so are first sent an e-challan. If the challan is not paid, the vehicle gets confiscated. It is also possible that delay in paying the challan may result in jail. Come, let us know how CCTV cameras teach a lesson to those who show arrogance on the road.

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How does CCTV camera work?

In true sense, with the help of these CCTV cameras, the speed of vehicles can be known. Apart from this, the registration numbers of the vehicles and the places where traffic rules are violated are known. CCTV cameras with 60 degree coverage are of high resolution, which are operated from the control room. CCTV cameras installed at intersections keep operating automatically. The operator of the control room gives information related to violation of traffic rules to the concerned officers and employees of the traffic police.

How challan is issued with the help of CCTV cameras

Special data encryption software is used to operate CCTV cameras. As soon as a driver violates traffic rules at any intersection or any other place, with the help of special data encryption software, the CCTV camera records all the actions of the driver. This work happens so quickly that the driver breaking the traffic rules does not even realize it. After recording from the CCTV camera, the challan is sent to the concerned driver through SMS, e-mail or courier.

Traffic control room works round the clock

The thing to note is that the traffic control room works round the clock. Therefore, with the help of these cameras, even at night, all the actions of drivers violating traffic rules at intersections or roads are recorded.

You can face jail for not paying the challan

Whenever a person violates traffic rules, an e-challan is sent to the mobile through SMS from the traffic control room. If the challan amount is not deposited within the stipulated time limit, the vehicle can be confiscated. Not only this, depending on the type of violation of traffic rules, jail sentence can also be imposed.

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